I have been searching for mud flaps for our Sper White Prius C. Dealer said he cant order them so I decided to call Toyota. Got in touch with a product manager for the C and he advised there will not be any mud flaps released for the C. So it looks like we will have to use 3M Protective film. Since ours is Super White color it will need something. Also I am looking to see if the Yaris mud flaps might work.
That's pretty strange. Toyota should know that there are many of us that will need a little protection from the sand and small rocks that northern States spread on roads to add traction during Winter driving conditions. Never mind those having to occasionally travel on a gravel or dirt road. That c for "City" may become c for "Corrosion"! Not a good marketing move, folks.
Yup, port installed tint at that (rather than dealer), which was weird. They did a really good job too.
Love it Of the 3 people who have ridden in it, 2 of them want one. There are a few complaints, and will start a new thread regarding them. Nothing deal breaking, just little stuff, mostly missing features.