I think you'll get a kick out of this video, it's cute. Enjoy!! http://www.jokefrog.com/flash/FunnyCats.wmv
Stupendous! A keeper! At least a dozen avatars in there, if I was just smart enough to know how to do it. Keep 'em comin', Rancid. Only 19 days 'til 1/1/06.
Yet again, I have my grandpa to thank for that one. Methinks he has a lot of free time on his hands these days. LOL!
Just hit Print Screen then paste it in to Paint or some other graphics program. For Mac users, it would probably been a Grab.
That's great! BTW, cats (and some dogs) love laser lights. I call mine the "kitty remote." Sometimes I like to see how far up the wall they'll jump..... Funny story related to the third clip in the vid (the bathtub): When my sister was about 5-years-old, she was taking a bath with the bathroom door open (so Mom could listen for trouble -- she was in the hall putting up towels or something). A neighbor's cat had a tendency to dart into any opening door in the apt complex. It had happened to us a few times, and it happened on that day. I tried shooing the cat back outside, but instead it ran upstairs, into the bathroom, and took that same flying leap onto the side of the tub. Of course, it couldn't brake on the ceramic..... Scared the hell out of my sister. And I thought Mom was gonna have a seizure from laughing so hard!! That cat never tried to enter our home again.
:lol: That's hilarious, Brian. I had a similar experience with a cat of mine when I was a kid. They're so funny when they come flying out of the bathtub soaking wet with that look of desperation on their furry little faces. One time, another cat of mine got under my car, which leaked oil and he was covered with oily gunk. I had to give him a bath which was not only scary as heck but funny as heck. He never went under my car ever again.
My parents have a cat that likes to perch atop the toilet seat and drink from the toilet. One time she was doing such a thing, and I snuck into the bathroom, crept up behind her, and yelled "rowwwwrrrrr!". She freaked out, lost her footing, and fell into the toilet, then jumped out soaking wet and made a beeline slipping and sliding towards the front door. I was laughing my behind off as I towel dried the tile floor.
Rancid!!! That's so cruel! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: I've got three of the little furballs. The oldest is Fanblade, the tail-less one. The other two are sister and brother, Wednesday (all black) & Pugsley (black/white). Wednesday's the skittish one. As she's prancing by, just move your foot an inch or so, and she defies gravity. I've seen her leap straight up, glide sideways, spin, and finally land with her back arched. It's the funniest, and most bizarre, thing I've ever seen a cat do!
I love it - my cat likes to come up behind me while i'm going pee and jump up on the toliet seat and watch my pee - hes a very weird cat. and he paws at the shower door when i take a shower so i opened it up and he jumped in with me and then realized he was going to get wet and i wouldn't let him out after that so tried to jump over the shower door wall and he got about half way up and made theses crazy meow sounds i've never ever heard a cat make - hes only 3 - 4 months old and hes such a riot - today he was at the top of the christmas tree -inside the tree- oh when will it end! haha he has way more than 9 lives thanks for the vid clip they were cute! -bri