I am dissapointed by the Gray background and tiny type for street names on the map display. My Garmin handheld is easier to read even though it is a much smaller screen. My LS460 has a easy to read map. Can I change the background color and or type size on the display? Is there an app I can download to improve readability?
Not sure about the readability, but I think your nav system should have some customization via setup. But since I am on a Model 5 version with ATP, my nav system is slightly different than yours as to the options.
The problem is the gray background makes the small type blck street names hard to read. 2D does't fix it/
I noticed the same problems. For all this technology, the navigation system on our shiny new 2012 Prius V is the worst I have seen in years. It is very hard to read. Any Garmin, iPhone of Android device is much clearer. How could they ship such low quality? Odd...
The entire standard nav system seems pretty limited. The are so many limitations to what can be done with this system that it really isn't worth the effort to use it.
I have a V5..and the standard nav ..it's really not a bad system. Not quite as intuitive as a Garmin.but it does pretty much all the same things. You just need to spend some time playing with it sometime; Like a few hours..parked!!
The "night" display is hard to read as it greys out the lettering on the screeen. I just selected to keep it in "day" display all the time and don't have the visibility problem. You can also adjust the contrast of the screen to make it easer to read during the day. Now it is fine for me.
I agree. Use my droid phone more than V sytem. It would be nice if I could just extend my droid phone screen to the Prius screen.