It was a hard sell, But i convinced my wife, "lets get a Prius" instead of a Chrysler 300. After having it for 3 months we LOVE IT. And the info i've been getting off this site is AWESOME and THANKS TO ALL
Congratulations. It's good that you both like it. Certainly a more fiscally prudent decision than a 300, anyway.
The way gas prices have gone, I bet you feel like a genius. Welcome to Prius chat, I lived in Elko NV for 14 years. (in the same state, but not near you)
Congratulations on your new Prius. Smart move in anticipation of gas prices skyrocketing to the moon. Welcome aboard husband & wife. What's your favorite part of the Prius so far?
Despite our difference of opinion I still want to welcome you to the forum. Please excuse my anger in your muffler thread.
Larry, I am interested in your "sales strategy" as I am trying to make the sale too! Enjoy your car. Steve
F8L;;;; No Worries Bud,,, For what ever reasons we bought our cars, the only thing that matters is ENJOYING THEM :cheer2: We used to live in Elk Grove before we moved here to Southern Nevada TO FREEDOM BIG STEVE::::: I really don't know what to tell you, All i said to my wife is '' Put some nice rims/wheels on it, Then lemo tint it and the thing will look awesome. She named it ""Scoots"", I call it our ""Lap Top on Wheels"" This is what Scoots looks like today: MB 18x8 Rims/Mich. 225/40R18 Pilot AS Red Brake Calibers are on order.
BIG STEVE:: I told her this too: The Volt in a Piece Of Shit The Leaf is a Joke I love new Technology 4 Adults can ride in it comfortably But now with gas prices are climbing, it makes it even more Awesome car :rockon:
Actually, the Volt isn't really a piece of shit... It's an ok car. The Leaf is sort of a joke, but right now just in a bad market time as our current cities aren't embracing a lot of charging points to make it worthwhile for longer distance running people. The problem big steve will have is that his wife is not much of a technophile, so she won't be won over by his liking of some of the technology. The gas prices will be a good reason to consider it, but not to put the F(ear)U(ncertainty and)D(oubt) into her, having a car with more economical mpg will eventually fair better than spending less money on a car where the price of gas can still continue to or stay above current costs. For my situation, I leaned more towards the Prius based hybrid not only for the tech, but the simple fact that cost of gas will still go up, the immature state of some of the other hybrid technologies (Not saying they aren't good, but flexibility wise, the EVs are still short range for the most part, especially so should there be no recharge points) and the Prius and the Volt are the only 'variable range' hybrid vehicles that will give reasonable gas savings.
NO WAY IN HELL could 4 Adults ride comfortably in a Volt. No body wants it ether, Thats why GM is cutting back on production of them. Volt We go over the hill to Vegas allot with friends and family to do shopping, We needed some thing that would handle 4 Adults on a Cosco or mall trip.
Well, I would say it is a 4 person car. However, one of the other reasons I didn't go for the volt is that the cargo capacity and the space in the rear wasn't as nice as the Prius v. That still doesn't make the car a POS, just not suited for what you or I want in a car.
I too had to sway my wife. Although my situation might have been easier. She's wanted a hybrid for a long time, but I wouldn't sell my truck. I finally agreed to sell my truck, but then she was like " we already have a car payment on the Tahoe, we can't afford another payment". This is the opening I was looking for. After showing her the amount of money she would save commuting is a Prius versus that tank of a Tahoe, she was all for it. We could have actually purchased a 2007 and the savings in gas alone would have paid for the car (45mpg versus 14mpg). But of course when we got to the dealership and they didn't have any used Prius' to test drive they suggested she drive a 2011. I think you know how the rest of the story goes. We're still out of pocket an extra $100 a month, but how could I argue. When the wife's happy, everyone's happy. Plus I even get to drive it once and a while.
How long until it's paid off? Is that $100 including the extra insurance? PS Congratulations. I'm glad you both enjoy it.