I am getting ready to replace my inverter AND engine coolant on my 2006 Prius. Does anyone know what the quantities that each system requires? Also, does each system take the same coolant? Or do they each require a different type of coolant? Thanks!
You'll need 3 gallons, Toyota Super Long Life Coolant, which is dealer only. The inverter loop will require 1 gallon. The engine will take somewhat more than 1 gallon, but it is really hard to get anywhere close to the full amount out, due to the myriad of hoses. I suggest that you NOT drain the coolant storage tank, unless you have a scan tool to run the pump, or the patience to run the pump directly with a 12V battery and a paper clip.
When you say "I suggest that you NOT drain the coolant storage tank", do you mean the storage thank for the inverter or for the radiator? Thank you.