My extended warranty runs out in May. I love my car and haven't had many problems. Can I rely on it for 2-3 more years, or should I trade it in on a new Prius now?
If you live in a CARB state (California and several others), you have warranty on hybrid parts for 10 years/150,000 miles. Otherwise you have 8 years/100,000 miles. It is definitely safe to keep it for a number of years and miles more, however, have your engine water pump checked before warranty runs out, since those tend to go bad for 04-07. Presumably you have already had the inverter cooling pump replaced for free by the recall. This summer, used Prii will sell for a premium, so that is something to consider. It is a piece of cake to sell a Prius on Craigslist and get a couple thousand more than what the dealer would give you, as well as getting more by waiting for gas prices to be in the high $4 range.
I didn't realize I had the 8 yrs/100k mi. warranty. (I'm in Iowa.) I'll check about those pumps. You gave me some things to think about! Thanks.
I put on that many miles as well (about 8K miles/year). Wear-related things (pumps & other moving parts) will last longer, but some things are more time-related, particularly the battery from what I've heard. Still, there haven't been many battery failures posted here, and I would think we'd hear about it if it was a common problem. So I think you're good to keep saving money and drive the vehicle you have. Although you should get a pretty good trade-in value.
My hybrid battery has just failed at 102K miles on my 2005 Prius. Toyota replacement price is $4000 including parts, labor, and tax.
Same thing happened to me couple of weeks ago. The dealer game me a quote of $3,000. So check with your dealer. The price of battery is 2,588 and labor should be $350 not more than that. Although I didn't replace the battery with the dealer, went to an independent shop and got a salvaged battery with total cost of around $1,350 including labor with 1 year warranty on the battery and labor. (same what dealer was offering with the new battery) Currently my car is in the shop. I will be posting my story soon.
Many times, the dealer will insist on including a new battery ECU, since that part was upgraded. This can push the cost way up. However, it is not really necessary, and there are countless battery ECUs of the most recent part number sitting in junkyards.
as you can see your car is nearly worthless. For a very small fee, I will tow it away for you what's your address?
Cool! That doesn't sound too bad. For the benefit of others, they can refer to Failed traction (HV) battery, what to do? - Prius Wiki (and update it w/more or better info, if applicable).
Do remember that the longer warranty covers only a few things. The various warranties on most other things expire earlier. Over the past couple years, I seem to remember quite a number of battery failures reported here. It hasn't seemed unreasonable compared to the number of participants here, but neither has it been as rare as some posters have tried to portray.
Trade your Prius? With your milage you are probably good for a few more years. But as others have said, you have a valuable trade in. If costs are your only concern then keep the Prius. If you enjoy new vehicles and if the cost is not too much then consider trading. To some degree a car is "pay me now or pay me later."
Here's my take: Drive it 'til the wheels fall off then, get out, put the wheels back on and drive it some more!!!!!
I think sometimes people subconciously or conciously seek "permission" to get a new vehicle. Your extended warranty is evidently just running out, which puts you in the position where you would have to absorb any costs that might arise in repair or maintenance. You've got a 7 model year old vehicle, but one with incredibly low miles for it's age. I think it's HIGHLY likely you could rely on it for 2-3 more years, and potentially longer. I'd also think that even the most expensive of repairs that might become necessary in a worst case scenario, would be less than the cost of a new vehicle. So personally? I'd keep going. UNLESS.... You want a new vehicle and can afford it. Only you can determine that for yourself. On one real level, the value of a new vehicle is the vehicle is new. New Warranty, new parts...."Hopefully, and Usually" worry free... If you want that? Go for it. You don't need permission. My grandparents used to maintain two vehicles, bought 5 years apart...and cycle. Every 5 years they traded in the oldest....5 year old vehicle on new....thus they always had two vehicles both in good running condition. Of course they also had far fewer years without car payments. Maybe that should be the biggest factor? Your gambling your current vehicle remains viable, vs. Car Payments. The car payments...will be unchangeable reality...If your Prius has been relatively reliable...with only 62,000 miles on it, I would think you could easily get good reliabilty for many more miles. But that is a reality that is unforeseeable. The choice is yours.
Gotta go with another poster. Drive it 'til the wheels fall off. You paid a premium for the hybrid technology. With gas prices going North of $4 i'd give it a few more years to pay down that premium via saved gas.
I did do dat, exactly. Seilerts is absolutely correct, there is a high demand for Prius and it will get better! Especially for Clear Titles. I sold mine yesterday for TWICE the price of what the dealers were offering on a trade in. I got a great buyer, lives one block away and since being on PC for the last 7 years, I am a minor expert and was able to indoctrinate him on the Prii peculiarities. NEVER give your car to a dealer on trade-in, my advice: sell it on Craigs list, be patient, relist several times. (no cost to list) stay away from EBay, too many sharpies. AND Buy a PIP. :rockon:
Most people do not kow this, if you are selling it is a good point to expound on, it really makes high mileage irrelevant.
My 2006 has 144K on it, I replaced the 12V, headlights, shocks, plugs, brakes, belt, and the recall pump. It runs like a champ. Keep it!
If you're going to sell it I'd do so between now and memorial day. Even if gas prices start to decline now they should pop up a bit before Memorial day, but after that it's probably downhill until Christmas with the exception of a small uptick before Labor day.