This story just reinforced my decision to go for a Prius. Well, basically i have been waiting for the past 3 months now, and have been getting a little impatient as well. Moreover, my present car is not doing too well, i wonder whether she will ride out the winter. So i was wondering whether i should go for one of the larger SUVs at the same price. But this story about the Expedition put me off that for a long time. Hope my Prius comes in before i decide to change my mind again
Wow, I am impressed. Are you married? How do you feel about older, Rubenesque women? I'm living your guilt right now. I've got my Dad's long bed truck on loan while my Prius is in the shop. I think the thing gets maybe 11 miles to the gallon. Well, maybe not quite so bad. But I feel like I've gone from using less than 1/2 a gallon of gas on my commute to using two. And the thing takes up more than it's fair share of parking. That alone is a visual and blatant example of consuming more than your fair share. It's so long my Dad has dented it twice by cutting a corner too close. The first time it was less than a month old. And it's red. It a big, honking, noisy, dirty, wasteful RED truck. My Mother hates it and wishes he would sell it. And there really isn't any reason for my Dad to own it either. He bought it to go camping with my nephews. They've gone......twice in the last ten years. Mostly it sits parked in front of their house. There is a rare run to get firewood or haul something big. Maybe 2-3 times a year. What's the point? Sell the thing and when you really need a one for an afternoon. I'll bet that would be cheaper than the registration and insurance. Modifying a page from your lesson it's not the gas so much as the registration and insurance they could really use to treat themselves to an occasional movie or night out. Not to mention the money from just selling the stupid thing. It's a Dodge. Would that be GM?
i'm beyond thrilled to hear this - i read with increasing dread as it sounded like you were going to throw in the towel. i couldn't hold it against venturer, but i was darned disappointed when lower gas prices started giving pause to even our most vocal. i want a prius regardless - it's the perfect car for me, even if it got the milage my camry gets. i want everyone else to want them too, though!
Silly Salesman! He should have tried to sell you an Escape Hybrid! (we have a Prius and an Escape Hybrid, and are happy with both of them)
There you go, flaunting your feminine wiles again. No, Dodge is Daimler/Chrysler (formerly just Chrysler)
And don't forget "No oil company left behind" Hey Squid, Ask the Ford dude if that big Excrement will get you on the christmas card list of the Saudi royal family... <_<
OMG This post is funny!! I too miss having a big vehicle- until I bought a truck as a second car, and then when it was time to fill it up!! YIKES!! Even if I can afford the gas, WHY?? Why when my lil princess can afford me all the FUN things?! I am ruined now, just ruined... LOL So for now, the new truck sits...and sits... all day long, with it's dealer paper plates on it.... wow what a great lawn ornament!! I will take it however to the snow this year, and I should take it over to the Dunes in Pismo / Oceano!!! I just hate to think of the gallons it will guzzle.. And yes, I too add up my gas bill, and I am spending about $100 a month, whereas before I spent anywhere from $400-$500!! Maybe I should just sell the truck, and buy a second Prius, then I won't feel guilty for already having 22,000 miles in about 8 months....
So... you're a good writer with a weird taste in music ( Aubrey? ) but I think you're being too PC about the Ford Expedition. First you would be treating yourself too, not only the oil companies, by having all those things you listed: <<Awesome ride, thing has three rows of seats, and you can supposedly cram in 8 people, while smoothly running over whatever angry minority mob you might come across given it’s 4-wheel independent suspension system. >> ..and imagine how many escorts, DVD’s, video games, books, take-out food and porn,you could cram into the Expedition at once! Maybe you should just keep the Prius and get the Expedition as well?
:lol: awesome story 'God! It's funny how one justifies one's wants, see, I don't even play that, whatever I may like, for whatever stupid reason I may like, I'm not compelled to disguise it, conversely, I look forward to seeing who's a bad-nice person enough to scoff at me for it, so I can give them my patented two reasons for what I think of said scoff... No, not married (I'm sure some people reading this will think, "figures"! :lol: (although I did come a hair's width close once...))... On the other hand, I must say, I am rather fascinated by the whole MILF concept, but I really don't think I'd be able to pull it off... Well... Hmm... I do not know... I suppose that's another discussion (or poll) for another day... h34r: ..."rubenesque"?, AWESOME word! I suppose there's nothing wrong with that, unless it crosses into the circus "freak show" zone...
Looked up MILF and this was the top search result: Web definitions for MILF Pornofilme sind eine Variante der Pornografie, also der direkten Darstellung der menschlichen Sexualität. In Pornofilmen wird die Darstellung im bewegten Bild, und seit Erfindung des Tonfilmes auch mit Ton vorgenommen. Dabei werden im Gegensatz zum Sexfilm alle gesetzlich erlaubten Formen des Geschlechtsverkehrs gezeigt. Translation, please? btw, the next one was: MILF Moro Islamic Liberation Front (Muslim group in the Philippines) You must have meant this one.
RIIIGGGHHHHT. Squid PC. Suuuuure. h34r: I think his post was spot on. The MILF one too but I'm talking about the original one on this thread. Why have something that indulgent that you don't need and won't really use? Squid doesn't strike me as the kinda guy that's gonna tote 8 other folks around. If you have 6 kids it's one thing. If you're a single dude it doesn't seem like a good investment.
Its not just about gas mileage, but Corporate Mission, policy, culture, efficiency, quality, etc.. I am shocked would even consider a Ford, knowing they are just box on wheels to get you from A to B. Thats like a real estate investor buying a house in the middle of the country, a tech guy buying an e-machine computer, a nutritionist eating mcdonalds fries/hamburgers, etc. PRIUS OWNERS DONT CONSIDER FORDS!! SNAP OUT OF IT! If you bought a prius, just for the gas comment
Actually several of the Prius owners have Fords. As I recall Squid traded an F-150 in to buy his Prius. Hell, there is at least one bloke who's got an Avalanche! One of the most interesting aspects of this group is that there isn't really a stereo typical prius owner. Sure, if you picked on at random you're more likely to pick a left of center, environmentally concerned person, but there are plenty right of center types who are equally environmentally concerned. Then there are those damn centrists. Point is Prius drivers are just that... Prius drivers. The other aspects of their "demographics" are pretty diverse.
Sorry, I still miss my huge/heavy/gas guzzling s-class benz and I always will. I can justify the porsche I'm going to buy with the prius, other than that, I should have extended the lease on my benz.