How this commercial could influence anyone into purchasing or not purchasing a Prius C is beyond me. It's bright, obnoxious and very weird. The only thing not weird about the commercial is the car itself. My first impression, depsite the fact that I already know what a Prius C is, was "That's an interesting looking car. Did they say it was a Prius? Gotta Google it." Genius!
I do not watch much on TV (watch DVDs), so I routinely see an advertisement at my parents, friends, etc. and wonder what made them spend the money on the ad. Perhaps the target market for the vehicle is not you or I?
Haha well here is a link to one blogger who loooves the commercial. I guess that is what makes the world go round! Totally different than all our opinions Toyota Prius c and the game of LIFE | MNN - Mother Nature Network
Commercial ain't gonna stop people from buying this car. It's too solid, peppy, and has GREAT economy at a time we are paying $4.40 a gallon. I might add, they are buying them in all colors... even habanero .
Second thread I've seen on these commercials. Yeah, horrible commercial. Toyota used to be so good, but lately? I watch their commercials and often come away wondering exactly who watched it at Toyota and said "That's It!"? I'd just like to witness the brainstorming session that thought "Annoying" would be the way to sell The Prius c. And sorry Dianne, that commercial is not benign. It borders on malignant. Benign would be a step up.
Commercials in general are a joke. If all it takes is a flashy commercial with an obvious bias (somebody paid for it) to completely swing your world view and make you buy something you weren't considering, you are a fool.
Haven't seen it, but it can't be as bad as the people leaping around in green leotards was when they introduced the gen3. Those were embarrassing. They just need to be funny and stress the mileage and the high tech.
That blogger is a shill. You can tell by the tone. The advertising company likes the commercial is all you can tell from that. +1 yes, people will buy inspite of the commercial not because of it.
The commercial is lame, but a friend of mine just bought it in habanero and she LOVES LOVES LOVES LOVES it She had a regular prius before.
It's not so bad, but reminds me of the new SNL J-Pop skecthes with Taran Killam and Vanessa Beyer. Maybe they can replay this as a real commercial on SNL, and viewers might wonder if this part of the show. [ame=""]Hulu - Saturday Night Live: J-Pop Talk Show@@AMEPARAM@@[/ame]
Yeah, I stumbled across the strange ad the other day and I wasn't too impressed by it. I posted a few that I liked at I liked the Maxima and Corvette ads in post 5. was great too.
Wow. If the sushi dude is any indication, Toyota has inexplicably decided to play to the negative stereotypes of Prius owners.
Yep - This is definitely a horrible commercial. There is one silver lining, though. At least I didn't see anything in the ad about the environment. I've been complaining for years now that Toyota and Nissan (with the Leaf) have been advertising the vehicles too much as an environmental solution when in fact most of the buyers are buying them for other reasons. At least this commercial did mention saving money. And that is what it is all about for most Prius buyers. Either that, or because they like high-tech cars.
I watched this after I had bought mine...I really hope any of my friends don't watch's that bad.
Maybe the strategy is to have a bad/polarizing ad so that at least people talk about it and remember it? After all, we're talking about it. There was a lot of negative reaction to the Prius family face (made of people) ad awhile ago.