My wife had to drive from Fort Smith, Arkansas to Little Rock and back home today, a distance of roughly 300 miles or so. It was my first all freeway trip, so I decided to see what kind of mileage I could get with just normal driving, no drafting , or hypermiling tricks . I had cruise set on 65 down and back, AC on , temp was around 82 for trip back, and not much wind today. Anyway , the computer said I was getting 54.5 , I didn't refill car and hand calculate, but I was pretty happy with the results. The car has around 980 miles on it now, so I figure once it breaks in a little more , maybe the fuel mileage will go up even more. I did speed up to around 70 when I hit the main Little Rock traffic, so I wouldn't become a traffic hazard, and I don't think I had a single tailgater the whole trip. I just put the satellite radio on , kicked back and cruised, I am a really happy camper with my new Prius.:cheer2: Arkie
The car came with Yokohoma Avid S33's, pressure at 45 both front and rear. Also this was with 10% ethanol gas, so I am hoping summer blend will do even better. Arkie
thats great I just did Huntington beach to san diego and back averaged 55.8 mpg at 65 mph on the guage the actual for the tank was 51.9 mpg.
Our daughter lives in Orange County and my all time favorite place to go out there is Ruby's out on the Huntington Beach pier. That is great mileage, I am looking forward to even better mileage on down the road. I am glad to see that just regular driving can produce pretty good results, also.
That sounds really good...I have gotten up to 68 mpg in city driving on my Prius and about 64 mpg on the highway according to the computer. Averaging in the low to mid 50's...I've had my Prius just over two weeks and still loving it. I'm surprised the "novelty" hasn't worn off yet. I am pretty much just excited about it today as I was two weeks ago. BTW, I have sure found a lot of really, really good information on this site--keep it up guys (and gals)!
Filled up for the first time a couple days ago. Then drove home by way of the post office. Car was not in ev mode, just normal mode. Moved along with traffic. I can't post pictures anymore because I used up all my space playing the "a game called cars" game so the picture of the dash display can be found at:
Uh Oh. Filling up those tires to max tire pressure is a "hypermiler" trick. Keeping your top speed down is another one. Just teasing! 54.5 mpg indicated = 51 - 52 mpg hand calculated (assuming a 5 - 6% error), very nice given your drive and conditions.
Just filled up yesterday for my first "official" tankful. 375 miles for a computer mileage of 53.9 mpg. Hand calculated came out at 50.4, about what I expected from reading the posts here. I said I'd be happy to double my old mileage of 23 mpg, doing even better. Had driven on the interstate on Saturday and also on some hills with passengers in the evening. Love playing the mpg game! Especially going home from work - which is a good bit downhill and seeing 65 mpg reported at the end of the drive. We need to check tire pressures this weekend and adjust tho. 2nd fill-up: 56.2 reported, 53.0 actual