Wow. I didn't realize if someone doesn't log in daily, their feelings and experience is discounted....or worse yet, be called names! I have to say, as someone who truly appreciates this forum, but logs in once a in a while due to a busy life, Yikes! this is very offensive.
not to worry princess. klulu jumped on here to try and discredit one of the finest toyota salesperson's in the country (by popular opinion) and the only one who cares enought to spend time here with us loser's. it was unneeded, and unwarranted on his/her part. as you said, there are plenty of dealers out there, go try a few more and compare.
Did you read the entire thread or just my post? CCP it was not my intention to offend your sensibilities. Like Bisco said the OP's post was rubbish. All I was trying to say is K9lulu did a very cowardly and trollistic hit and run post twice. Then the other party involved had to come and tell us the rest of the story. IDK if you log on all day everyday or once a year do not trash a friend of PriusChat and then run. I am not saying that what happened to K9lulu is made up nor am I discounting his/her experiences. I hope K9lulu finds a dealer that they can work with but I doubt it. Posted from my iPhone via the Tapatalk app.
Bisco, I remember when I was a total newbie and considering a prius. You were really kind and helpful. So here is your long overdue thanks! Dustoff, while I find your loyalty to a dealer who posts here commendable, I find the name calling completely unnecessary. It doesn't matter that the person has only a few posts. S/he is obviously not a fake online troll, but a real person who went down to the dealership in real life, in search of a real car!! And they didnt have a great experience. Why can't s/he share that? Dianne can come back and tell her side of the story all she wants! I personally never cared for Dianne's personality in an email and the tone she uses in her posts. That is my opinion and I'm entitled to it. No matter what my post count is and how loyal of pit bull friend you are. I ended up finding a way better deal than she was offering and couldn't be happier w my transaction. There are tons and tons of dealers out there. I just wanted this person to know that dealers are a dime a dozen (sorry to all Dianne extreme fans) and you can actually get a great haggle free price and service at plenty of other dealerships... And here is the best part, if you did have a great experience w Dianne, kudos. It doesnt personally affect me one way or another. I'm not so blind w devotion to one side that I can't see the other point of view. I still maintain that the name calling is uncalled for. I, for one, had not logged in for months. That doesn't make me a troll. It just means I'm busy Peace.
Here I disagree. In a customer oriented forum like ours, she (the salesperson) cannot repair by herself the damage caused by an errant rant like Lulu presented. Dianne has built up her reputation over at least a decade that I know of being straight with her customers, and I am glad to see PC members sticking up for her. I do not live in CA, and will likely never buy a car from Dianne. I am not even convinced she offers the cheapest prices. Indisputably though, she has an enviable track record of honesty, as well as involvement with the Prius community both sides want to continue for mutual benefit. One word of warning to potential customers of Dianne at Carson Toyota specifically, or other dealerships in general: the 'fleet/internet' desk is distinct from the sales floor. One certainly affects the other -- particularly when a model is in high demand -- but do not expect the prices and people to be interchangeable. When Dianne says "call ME or Nathan," she is telling you that a casual visit to the showroom on Saturday morning may result in different prices.
So, if anyone has anything but a glowing experience with Dianne, they shouldn't share? and worse yet, be called names for having said anything? Even if she (the salesperson) has the ability to defend their repuation? I'm sorry, but that makes zero sense. If review boards/sites had this mentality, every product and service provider would have 10 stars! Not to mention that your reasoning seems awfully clique-ish. However, I will agree with you re one thing. She doesn't have the best prices around.
hahahahah! Wow. No. and here is my question: Is that because you fine folks find it hard to believe more than one single human being on this planet would dare think Dianne is not the greatest thing since sliced bread???
True. Please read the post from SageBrush, which is the direct post I quoted in the post you quoted from me (ha say that 10 times fast!!!)
I know Dianne Whitmire has a long history and relationship with this forum. And has glowingly sold numerous Prius to numerous members here. But I do think the reaction to the original post has been unfair. Imagine the exact same post, without the specifics. Let's say the OP had presented the same outline, but NOT mentioned the dealership by name? Would the reaction been as venemous? I don't think so. The OP did title the thread "MY" experience. And I have to believe it was from their perspective, their experience. Does that mean it would be everyones experience? No. It was the OP's. I don't think it fair for him to be chided, for walking into a dealership and talking to a "retail salesperson". A lot of us do that. Maybe he walked in with expectations of pricing tied to a sale that had passed. Also, NOT a sin. Perhaps it was a busy day...but also? Is that a reason a person should be treated in a manner inwhich they feel uncomfortable? I've never purchased a vehicle from Carson Toyota, or Dianne Whitmire. I have read a lot of posts from Dianne Whitmire and about Dianne Whitmire and I take from them she has a sterling reputation. One persons subjective feeling about how he felt trying to attempt to make a vehicle purchase at Carson Toyota, whether he handled the situation in the most correct way or not...should IMO not be translated into an attack on that person. I see this poster being called a "Jerk" and a "Clown"....and others thanking those same posters for calling that person the same. I understand Dianne defending herself..and her dealership. I also understand those that have supported Dianne, defending Dianne... But if you read the original post, this is a consumer, maybe inexperienced, that came in for a past the sale pricing...and "shudder" talked to a salesperson. It's quite possible everyone's perspective in this situation is the truth. Diannes, and The OP's. If the goal is to educate and aid? Calling the OP a jerk, or suggesting that his perception of being treated poorly is unwarranted I think unfair. In a rush to defend Dianne Whitmire, almost everyone neglected to answer the OP's perfectly valid questions. " Where do I go and who do I talk to in order to get a good deal? What is a reasonable quote and otd price of a 2011 Prius 2 in orange county, ca? I would appreciate any advice and I'm just looking for a good buying experience." If your answer to these questions is simply Call Dianne and work with her...that's fine... But attacking the OP because they may of handled the initial engagement in an inexperienced manner? IMO unfair. Coming into a dealership when it's busy, and talking to a salesperson- should not be reasons that a person is attacked.Even not being aware that a sales price doesn't last forever...isn't a reason for attack. You may now call me a Clown and a jerk...but reading through this thread that's my perspective.
I'd like to get a "thanks" from Dianne and whoever else too so I'm going to agree with everyone and say the OP was a real jerk. Groupthink.
lol! All the thanks for calling the OP a jerk have already been handed out. You may want to try calling me a classless jerk. I have a low post count, so I'm pretty sure it will stick and you will get plenty of "thanks" :lol
^True that^ I do not know Dianne nor have I done any business with her or her dealership. Living in an island state with one Toyota dealership group for the whole state, would seriously consider buying a car from Dianne and shipping it here. I would do that sight unseen just because of her reputation on PC, just like many here have done with there PiP's. Like SageBrush said above "In a customer oriented forum like ours, she (the salesperson) cannot repair by herself the damage caused by an errant rant like Lulu presented."
Keep in mind I have no stake in this situation whatsoever and I could actually care less about this thread. But my thanked-posts-to-total-posts ratio has been getting really low lately, so I just need a freaking thanks. So on that note, you're a jerk. Off to Fred's.
The only point I'd argue is was the OP's post an "errant rant"? I've read numerous posts in Prius Chat over the years where a newbie poster will come in with a tale of a far more negative buying experience at a dealership. Often this person is supported, and encouraged to simply try elsewhere. This OP doesn't name Dianne by name. And infact names no salesperson by name. This OP is only saying this was my experience at Carson Toyota. And since that happens to be Dianne's dealership, that has resulted in I think an unfair reaction. I think it perfectly valid to say to the want a fair price? You want a good buying experience? Contact Dianne and deal with HER...from start to finish....
I'm going to go around and post a bunch of "thanks for sharing" type posts so my post count goes up....just to earn the prevelidge of calling you a jerk. What can I say? I have lofty goals and dream big!! And dustoff, I still say anyone has a right to post their experience... Even if that experience is less than stellar and it has to do w sacred Dianne
I'd just like to say, Thanks for Sharing..and... I'm definently a jerk. I think you're a Jerk, The OP is a Jerk, everyone in this thread is a jerk. I think Presidents Weekend sales...are for JERKS... I think any holiday celebrating a President is jerkish... I've never been to Carson Toyota...but I bet their drinking fountain is luke warm! So there! You can all sue me!
Your post count will go up in time. Also, your thanked-post ratio is not bad either. Keep posting witty comments and magical things will happen. Oh yeah, and thanks for the thanks, dustoff. I finally took the time to read this thread because I'm awesome and I actually agree with you, candycaneprincess. BTW, nice name you got there. I hope you're not some fat dude sitting in the dark pretending to be a girl, cause that'd be really f'd up. I also may be moving to LA to go to school. I'm still undecided but my point is our paths may cross some day so I don't wanna get cut up if I ever see you. Then again there are a lot of PriusChat people in LA I may have pissed off over the last 3 years. I'm pretty sure I'll get cut up somehow. What the f*** am I talking about. Time to nap at my desk.