for an dude living under colder climiate, you should have learned long time ago to get snow tires for winter. Not being an nice person or anything, but thats the first rule.
The Blizzak WS-50 195/55/15 is a little small for the Prius, but it could work if you just need snows for a short period. With those tires your speedo would read about 3 mph fast at 60 (so true speed 57), and for every 100 miles you'd drive, your odometer would rack up a little over 104.
Sorry to be OT here... I'm not sure who lordmakemeworthy was referring to in his post, but one of my pet peeves is people using the wrong word in their writing. In your post, you should've said "you're" (I've seen you incorectly use your instead of you're in a few other posts). Another good example is when people use the word break or breaking when they mean brake or braking. Ugh!
In your correction I take it you meant incorrectly? :lol: (This is supposed to be funny, not a criticism).
Three or four little snows falls in to the season with the Prius and I feel it's the worst winter diving car I have ever owned. I have ordered Blizzak Revo 1 snow tire this weekend and will have them on the vehicle by Tuesday AM. The way I see it is pay for snow tire now! Or the Insurance Deductible next week and then the tires. I’m an Automotive Repair Shop owner, ASE Master Tech, with 35 year driving everything on 2 & 4 wheels all day long.
VSC is great on some cars and sucks bad on others! I had a GM minivan with it and knew to just take my foot off the gas anytime it kicked in as all you would do is loose power and control when it came on. On my BMW it is great! It is all in how they control it.
Same here. I've been through 2 snowstorms so far this year and I've been passing SUVS on the highway with confidence. The first one was before I had my snows on, and as long as I drove sanely I it was as good as my old Golf or Audi. The second was with my Blizzaks on and I could drive circles around most of the other cars. When I get back from the ice autocross in January I'll give you a full report.
I use You're as " you are".. if its wrong so what?.. I'm not in school anymore and my job doesn't require that I know how to spell it correctly. If it bothers you, I can tell you a few other things about myself that I'm sure would bother you more ... that might make your feel alot better about my spelling? :lol:
From your post above, it seems you don't know the difference. In many of your posts, you're using "your" when you should be saying "you're", as with this line "Your a pretty good dick tracey." You're not spelling it incorrectly, you're using the wrong word. A spell checker would flag both as being correct. The incorrect usage of "you're" vs. "your" and "brake" vs. "break" are just pet peeves of mine. You answered a question I was going to ask. If you were in some capacity that requires you to write or type, using the right words would help w/forming a more positive impression amongst your peers and managers.
I guess thats according to what impresses your managers and your peers!.... my manager spells worse than me...... they always ask me about punctuation and spelling!.. Imagine that!.... In some crowds and places of employ the left brained people who adhere to total logistics and established laws will do well and excell, yet those same type of folks fail and struggle in other types of employ. Jobs that require exact rules and measurements do well with left brained people. Jobs that require creativity and latitude to "think out of the box" do well with right brained people. I tend to just type what comes out of my little pea pickin brain.... I like to be creative! And BTW.. I'm not aware of a spell checker or grammar checker in the reply format of this forum. I'm sure not going to copy and paste all my writings to a word processor to "proof" them.... I really don't think its that important as long as I am comunicating effectively. A very good example of what I'm talking about... If you had to read Doctors writings in patients charts on a regular basis... you would have a cow! They don't exactly adhere to proper handwriting, spelling, grammar or form.. yet they are very intelligent! If you guage a persons intelligence or value based on how they write, you really live in a small box! The next time you need a good surgeon...... don't look for a good typist, you may never find one! P.S. I do appreciate you looking out for my welfare if that was your intent.... the more I know the better! Funny, seems it takes the right brain creative types to come up with something to write, and the Left brain to put it on paper in an intelligent manner. Fortunately we most of us have 2 sides!... but I tend to excell in the right brain stuff. I'm really good at concepts of music, creative writing and physics etc.. but could never do the math to be a physicist! Others are good at the math but not the concepts... so they are accountants! :lol:
Yes, you can put cable "chains" on the Prius. I had to do this in Tahoe last year. They go on very easy (for chains). There is a lot of room around the front wheels. Carry an empty garbage bag to throw them in when you pull them off and you'll keep your interior clean. Don't forget to take off the wheel "covers" before you put on the cables, or you'll scratch the plastic covers.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: If you're going to drive in the snow, get a vehicle built for it. [Broken External Image]: [Broken External Image]: [Broken External Image]: [Broken External Image]:
Actually, around here the pickups and large SUV's are the first ones upside down in the median along the Trans Canada after a blizzard. We had a bad blizzard, hopefully our last one, last weekend. With my winter tires I had no problem accelerating and - write this down please - BRAKING on ice. Most of the pickup and SUV crowd assumes because they *might* have an advantage on acceleration, it also applies to slowing down again. I finally got my Prius buried in a snowdrift across the road. Neighbor close to my hobby farm dug me out and I continued on. The drive back into the city I saw a lot of SUV's and pickups that had slid off or ended upside down. The freezing rain before the blizzard didn't help matters any. Around here, my Prius with Yokohama Ice Guard winter tires will easily beat any 4x4 with dinky "all season" tires. BTW welcome back. I see you've been saving up some material.
Well when I took my Prius test drive, I was on the 30 minute test drive during a blizzard here in NW ohio... The Prius handled excellently! (Although where i live it is completly flat (no inclines beyond 1 or 2 degrees... and around here, a 2 degree slope would be considered a steep hill... but to get back to topic...) so perhaps driving in a blizzard in Northwest Ohio is not the same as driving in a blizzard in Colorado or something but I was sold on the car after the test drive!
Yes, well anyone who drives a vehicle over confidently will end up in a ditch. But when both vehicles are driven responsibly, the 4X4 will be able to handle much more than your dinky prius. You act like anyone who drives an SUV is automatically a bad driver, and that’s incorrect.
We see that pretty often out here. Many people in our neck of the woods are clueless when it comes to driving in the snow, so they drive slowly or not at all. That's fine. But the road warriors in their 4wd chariots don't want to acknowledge the weather and are usually the first to get in trouble or cause it. They seem to think that just because they've paid for 4wd they are invincible and the laws of traction and gravity don't apply to them. I give them a wide berth.