I want to purchase a prius. First I wanted to buy from a private party, but prices were ridiculous. then i found that 2011's were more popular than 2012 and most dealerships have very few. then i heard about the c. my questions: when will the c be in dealerships in los angeles? Is there a way to find out? will the c be a safe purchase? should i wait for it or proceed to buy a regular prius? how much is a good deal on a prius 1 or 2? i want something basic and want to pay as little as possible.
Will I be able to bargain at all on a C? I'm wondering if there will be much negotiating room on such a new car and if they're in enough demand that dealerships won't be flexible.
Welcome aboard! I wouldn't expect any haggling on a c or 12... 11 maybe but with gas going up, don't expect anything below MSRP. You haven't see any at an LA dealer?
LA definitely has them. http://priuschat.com/forums/prius-c-main-forum/103467-diannes-prius-c-inventory-4.html Dianne's a fleet and Internet sales manager for Carson Toyota. Apparently she likes to hang around here and pick up geeks.
Actually I found some now, but I seriously can't bargain? Is this situation particular to the Prius or can you not bargain on most new cars? This would be the first time I'm ever buying from a dealer. I am also concerned that 2011's will run out since people keep buying them. Will a dealer let me walk out if I don't get the price I want even if it's reasonable, thinking "that's ok, I can always find a prius buyer who will pay msrp (whether regular prius or c)"?
after the 2012 came out, it is easier to bargain the price on the 2011 model. I think most of the prius C buyer pay the base price. lol
Changed my mind. Tried the C and saw it was too small. Also kind of cheap looking inside. What should I do now? Do I wait until summer for 2011 prices to drop and 2012 prices to start dropping? What's a reasonable price for the simplest package for each (is that a 1 or a 2?)? Will 2011's be gone by summer? Is there any other hybrid that even comes close to a Prius in terms of quality and fuel efficiency? I don't care for the design or the fact that it seems to be the most common car on the road. Lastly, a dealership has some 2012's on sale for around $22,000. Is that what I can expect to pay? Seems like a great deal but I'm wondering if they will tack on thousands more in other fees and if I can talk them down from 22.
Are you confused? For most cars, the next year's model starts showing up at dealers around late August/early September of the previous year. (I picked up my 04 Nissan 350Z on Labor Day weekend of 03. I bought my 02 Maxima in late 2001.) The '12 Prius was an odd exception. You can be almost certain that any leftover new '11s will be gone by summer, if not well before. If it weren't for the '12 Prius' late arrival, '11 Priuses would be gone by now. You can take a look at The most fuel-efficient cars and Best & worst cars review, fuel-efficient vehicles. I would not buy a Honda hybrid. They couldn't even ensure battery longevity on their NiMH based hybrids after making them for over a decade and now w/the '12 HCH, they've gone to li-ion. You shouldn't be able to buy a model One (formerly I) Prius liftback unless you're a fleet/company. http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-iii-2010-prius-main-forum/69521-prius-i-other-news.html shows what it lacks. I have not been in the market for a '12 Prius but did help a friend getting into an '11 at end of 2011 (http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-iii...ose-11-prius-please-ii-iii-2.html#post1466912). If $22K for a '12 Prius Two, that sounds like a good deal. Invoice is $23,320 w/destination charge. Since you're So Cal, it seems a # of folks have been happy with http://priuschat.com/forums/members/diannewhitmire.html. I've never met her or dealt w/her myself.
No other hybrid in my opinion compares to a Prius. I'm sorry you find the inside of the C "cheap". I'm going from the top of a line 2010 Prius into a Prius C with no problem. I think the C is great. But anyway, I think it's best if you just go to a few dealerships in your area and find out what kind of prices they will give you and then you can compare. I know that I always try to get the best deal possible but if you are looking for a regular liftback and not a C, then I would think you should expect to pay in the starting range of 24k. If you are finding Prius Twos for 22k...yeah I'd say that's a pretty good deal. All in all though, the regular Prius is not an extremely low priced vehicle so if you are looking for something less expensive, I'd say give the C another look It drives awesome!
Prius is the king or hybrid. lol you can search online for the 2011 model. usually dealer will offer $2000 discount on 2011 model left in the stock and you have to room to bargain if only a few left since they don't want to keep any old model. Prius is the best one if the Prius C is too small for you. I tested drive the C today and it feel much better than my civic. lol much quieter on local driving. freeway driving is about the same, but you need to push it a little harder when you try to enter the busy freeway.
No different than the liftback really...sometimes that engine has to be gunned when merging, fact of modern driving. ;-)
Agree, Prius C is too small. I am 6'2" and could not sit in shotgun without cocking my head uncomfortably to the side. Driver seat was okay though but if we took a trip I'm not going to do all the driving. 2011's are getting scarce around here (Minnesota)and in these parts $22,000 would be a steal for a 2012! Sales rep so much as told me to my face I better get going on a purchase before prices go up due to the high gas . that is total price GOUGING, sorry. Gas goes up, Prius goes up, and dealers are a99holes about it.
if you are fine with 2011 model, i would think it is your last chance to buy it now... your dealer is right, prius is low in stock and with gas high, it wont get better... there are finite numbers of 2011 Prii and i doubt there will be any left by next month.
If gas prices stay the same or go up which they likely will, Prius will not be discounted much. At least you can find them now .... In May of 2008, waiting lists were everywhere across the country on Prius. I was with a sales mgr. in CA, and he received a call from the east coast asking about a certain color, model and did they have it. We had a thread here in 2008 with 1,000 posts named the 'Waiting list support group' thread. No lie. Do google search, you will find the thread here. I waited 3 months after getting on wait list to get my 2009 Prius, from June 1st to August 27th, 2008. Oops sorry, think I spooked someone. it was weird back then ... not being able to buy a car cause too many wanted them.
We bought our 2011 Prius 5 in October, through costcoauto.com. If you're a Costco member, you get a 'fleet' price, no haggling (below MSRP). When you're ready to buy, complete the costcoauto.com website form and within 24 hours the closest Toyota Internet Fleet sales person will contact you. The Prius C isn't loaded to the Costco sight, but should be by summer. Good luck.
Which model do you want? My local dealer has a 2011 left with a sticker price of $35,205. It is a III with solar roof package and navigation/bluetooth. Another close one has a 2011 III MSRP $29,210. Another has a 2011 IV $32,460
Ohhh yes, I remember when I had to wait for what seemed like forever to get my 2006 Prius. I didn't realize it was still like that in 2008, wow. I made the order in August of 2005. My car arrived at the dealership for me in the middle of January, 2006. Longest 5 months ever!!! :wacko: In fact, I joined PriusChat soon after I gave the deposit.
Wow, those prices are outrageous and completely ridiculous. It's becoming clearer to me why hybrids still only make up a tiny percentage of auto sales nationwide. You can get the same class of car with reasonable gas mileage for thousands less. It'll take you years to see that difference in gas savings.
Since you're in the LA area, my recommendation is for you to go see Diane at Carson Toyota. Make sure you call ahead to schedule time with her - she is very busy from what I see. I don't know her, but from her input on PC, if I lived anywhere on/near the west coast, she would earn my business. She will give it to you straight and if she can't make you comfortable with the price and car, then likely the Prius is not for you. I'm on the east coast and when my '10 Prius wears out or is ready for replacement, it may be worth my while to make a trip to see her and make it an enjoyable vacation.