Lots of talk about speeding going around, figured this might be an interesting perspective on what we've all done at some point... Let's make it INDICATED, for the sake of amusement... h34r:
I took my '86 Mercedes 560SL up to an indicated 155 on night. That's when the rev limiter cut in. Seriously white knuckle time.
okay, i'll bite and actually put in a reply to this one. the trip between my college town and my hometown was an extremely boring 180 miles through central wisconsin with nothing interesting and not even a good radio station. (this was before i had a cd player in the car, mind you, i was broke. :lol by the time i hit the major highway on either end of the state, i'd be ready to get done with that trip and typically ran it at about 85 till i reached my destination. of course, all the rest of the traffic was doing 80+ so it wasn't really much more than following traffic flow. i was by no means passing many people at that speed. guess i'm not adventurous. my husband is a whole different story though...
My 1990 Ford Probe reminded me of Doc's DeLorean. I wanted to see if it could reach 88. The Probe also had a user defined speed alarm. You'd put in a speed and it would let you know when you exceeded it by a beep and a message.
I didn't say it in the poll in order to not skew the curve, but ..... On the German Autobahn, where there was no speed limit in the late sixties, I got my MGB up to 115 mph until a Maserati passed me going at least twice as fast, well in execss of 200 mpg as best as I could figure it. I slowed right down and moved over to the truck lane realizing that i didn't have a sports car at all, just a small English car. :lol: :lol:
There are still a few places on the Autobahn that have no speed limits, but they are greatly reduced. Also, back int he 60's there weren't any Maseratis that could go over 200 mph. Only the one introduced this year, the MC12 can do that (205 mph), and it's an all out racecar. [Broken External Image]:http://www.carbc.com/news2/highres/mc12-01.jpg
in the states. did over 100 on my motorcycle way more times than i care to think about and for several of those years WITHOUT a helmet. did about 130 on the Autobhan back in 1980 when i was there.
I'll admit to having gone over 100 on only a few occasions. A couple times on I-395 en route to (or on the way back from) Mammoth Mountain. Occurred where the highway is a 2-laner and I was stuck doing 50mph (in a 65 zone) behind a big-rig and the lines turned dotted and I could see that passing the rig was completely doable. But only if I quickly obtained a speed of 90+ very quickly. Which I did, if only for a matter of seconds. But it is unsafe, especially on a road like that, and I haven't done it in, oh, say 7 years now.
115 on those lovely Vermont highways of my youth. The Cop sitting on the medican apparently having a little nap. 92 in the Prius, didn't even realize it until I looked down. Nice smooth ride......
I rode in a '66 Mustang GT at about 130 MPH on the Washington area beltway (route 495). I was about 14 years old and was not driving. I don't know how fast I was going in the Ferrari ('62 GT360 2+2) because the speedometer did not work. Lucky for me I slowed down enough to survive the crash that totaled the car. But, the fasted I've ever driven was along a very long straight flat road in a national park. The area was in off-season and there was no one around. I had a 1984 Dodge Conquest (turbo). That thing was a pocket-rocket. Anyway I got it to 135 before my wife ask <_< me to slow down. I was surprised it was still pulling. I think the spedo went to 140. The above may be fictional accounts of an events that may or may not have actually happened. jrohland
I just onced pushed an '86 Maxima to 120mph on a long straight stretch in the Nevada desert. Then it occurred to me.....there's isn't a town for a 100 miles in any direction (or a person for that matter, so it seemed)! What if I blow a couple of tires or worse... ...and then backed off to comfortable 90mph. Probably could have pushed that little v6 a bit more though. I wonder what my gas mileage was I needed an MFD.
I've done it once on I15 on the way to Vegas. It was really quick to 100mph and then back down to normal speed.
I've been up to 85 for passing only. I hate driving next to 18-wheelers, and will floor it to get past them. Otherwise I'm a 5-over-the-limit kind of guy, or 75 max if that's the limit.
I didn't believe my buddy's 1975 280Z could go 140 as he claimed. He let me drive it one night to see. We got it up to 135 and it was still pulling really well but there were taillights in the distance so I let up on the gas. There's no doubt that car could have hit 140 (indicated). Ahhh......I miss those crazy college days (and nights).
I have hit 88-90 a couple of times in the Prius when passing people and a couple of times going down large hills. At one time I had my Geo Prizm speedometer pointing straight down (it only went to 85--I guessed it was around 100). None have been more than a 10-15 seconds.
120 on my motorcycle in a past age, driving into AZ on I-10 from CA. Got caught by AZ HWP, and I had expired tabs. He ignored the tabs (or didn't notice somehow) and I think wrote me up for 98 mph or something like that. I tossed the ticket at the next town. Most of us grow up. I rarely speed now, and don't think I've had a ticket in 20 years. (high)rpm
During my speed-prone days, I mostly drove cars that could barely go the speed limit, much less exceed it - like a 36-hp VW Beetle and a Saab that was powered by a not-particularly-large motorcycle engine. But one day, while crossing South Park in my parents' 413-cubic-inch 1965 Chrysler New Yorker, I decided to see what it would do. What it did was rattle and shake so much that I gave up at 95 mph. The engine had plenty left in it - in fact, the engine was in great shape when my mother finally sold the car 20 years ago. She was just having too much trouble finding leaded gasoline. Funny, but I remember my parents bragging about what great mileage the car got - 18 mpg on the highway! In the city it was near single digits.