My AC always defaults to Recirculation mode the first time I use it after starting the car even though Auto mode is off. Anybody know if I can change this to default to fresh air mode? Thanks. --Dave
I would need to check, but I think my '11 used to do it also. I had Techstream almost from the start, and customized a lot of settings to my liking. Knocking off the Recirc mode would have been one of them ;-) Safe trips, Dave
I just got back from my first drive since I posted the original message. I tried the AC again and, unbelievably, it did not go into recirculation mode! I am at a total loss to explain it, especially since it went into that mode on several rides just before this one. As far as I know, I did nothing differently. --Dave
I wonder if the temperature setting drives this. On the van we have cooler settings yielded automatic recirculation. It's at least something to ponder. W
Hmmm. Good thought. When I tried it this time, the temp setting was about 71, higher than other times. I'll check out the theory tomorrow.
On my Lexus, the temperature does play a part in if it automatically goes into recirculation mode or not; the hotter it is, the more likely it will go into recirculation mode. I'm pretty sure the Prius (and probably all Toyota's) do the same.
The Prius Climate Control system is a very sophisticated system. It uses the outside temperature sensor, the sunlight sensor on the dash, the cabin temperature sensor, your temperature setting, etc. and uses Fuzzy Logic to make its decisions. I have found, after a lot of trial and error, that it works best for me if I leave it in Auto and only adjust the temp setting and maybe the mode setting to give me window defrost on humid or rainy days. Other than that the system does a remarkably good job of maintaining the temp that I set.
Good information. Thanks. However, it sounds like you are talking about Auto mode. I would leave it in that mode except that I hate recirculation. It makes the air smell stale to me very quickly. I would think that in other modes, it would leave the settings up to the user.
Strangely... I have mine in Auto Mode and it never recircs the air in my car, at least, I never seen the air recycler enabled. Now initially, if I hit 'Auto' by itself, it turns on the A/C, which I turn off, but auto remains on. So I don't know why you guys are getting something completely different from what I am getting and that is how my car came.
The automatic system will use recirculate automatically with the AC on in situations where that mode will more efficiently cool or heat the cabin to your set temperature. Without the AC on, it will never automatically recirculate the air because it can result in fogging up the windows - you have to enable it manually. I may be mistaken but I believe if you turn the system on into auto mode and manually disengage recirculate, it will not re-enable it unless you hit auto again.
Nope, that is the problem. With the system not in auto mode, until last night mine has been turning recirc back on when I turn on the AC even though it was off when I turned off the car.