Does it? I thought that was only in Japan. Anyway I bought a 2011 Prius last month, and the noisemaker in the 2012's was a factor in that decision. I don't like the sound in the video. It may not be that loud in person, but I'd still rather not have it. , It will be interesting to see if the new noisemaker hurts sales of the 2012 Prius.
Nope. I own one. There's no off button and the dealership won't turn it off for you like they'll do for the reverse beeper (actually they take that down to one beep). I literally had to pull out the manual to explain to the service people what I was talking about. They hadn’t heard of it. It’s not all that offensive though. I only notice it when pulling into the garage with the windows down. ...Mudshark
I actually didn't know what the noise was, I thought it was just something electric making noise when I pulled into the garage , maybe power steering or something. After reading some things on PriusChat about it, I decided that is what the noise is , doesn't bother me in the least. Now the crazy back up beeper inside the car is another story, will have it reprogrammed to one beep next time I am by the dealer. Arkie
I was the same way - I didn't notice it at all, until I pulled it in the garage with the windows down. It is no louder than the gas engine would be at an idle. Honestly, I think it sounds pretty cool.
Before I took delivery I thought that I might find the sound annoying. My experience is the same as kstephens; I don't hear it at all with the windows up. After all, it is a very moderate noise that is only present from zero to 15 mph. To me, it is a non-issue.
I've had my '12 for only a week or so and haven't been aware of the sound we're discussing. This could be because (1) it was deleted along with the reverse beep, or (2) I'm deaf, or (3) it's inaudible to the driver with windows up.
It is most likely #3 but could be #2 as well. I don't really hear it with the windows up unless it is VERY quiet outside. I can faintly hear it with the windows down. The only time it is "loud" is when pulling into the garage and even then it's not loud.
This is hardly a strong testament, but I forgot to listen for the noisemaker during my test drive and I didn't notice it at all. Windows were up. I noticed dozens of other things about the car, but I remained oblivious to the noisemaker. In retrospect, this explains why blind and/or distracted pedestrians kept jumping out of my way at every crosswalk. Kidding.
This is my first, of hopefully many posts to come. I just purchased a 2012 on Sunday. After reading that the VPNS was new on the 2012 I was a little concerned that I might find the system to be obnoxious, embarrassing, annoying, ... I test drove the vehicle and did not hear a sound from inside the car. In order to hear it I have to drive through a parking garage with my windows down. Even when I can hear it, it just sounds like a quiet "electric car sound." From someone who was very concerned about it, I can tell you that the VPNS is a non-issue. I may even go so far to say that it gives me some piece of mind that if I fail to see a pedestrian, that they may still hear me.
My grand kids think it's really cool!! they call it the "spaceship" noise. I can only hear it with the windows down,no big deal. I don't know if it will help much,distracted people don't notice my one ton van coming with it's loud exhaust!!
I notice it almost every day! Pulling into the parking garage, with windows down to swipe my parking pass, and the satellite radio cuts out. You know what would be cool, if the parking garage at work could be programmed to Homelink.
Based on the number of young folks killed by freight trains around here, and even my own experience tapping the horn, I wouldn't rely on the sighted but distracted pedestrians to hear anything outside the conversation or music in which they are deeply engaged. The noisemaker seems geared more towards those who have no vision to use as a crutch to avoid using their ears.
I wonder if its just a speaker linked into the gas engine as its switch. Gas engine shuts off, speaker turns on...if thats the case, waiting for someone to hack it to play something like this..chevelle cammed idle 2 - YouTube The American Muscle guys would love it...people would definitely do a double take if a Prius in EV mode sounded like that
I took a few minutes to video the sound of the VPNN while pulling into the garage. 2012 Prius Vehicle Proximity Notification System.wmv - YouTube
This reminds me of the work of the characters played by Vince Vaughn and Kevin James in the movie The_Dilemma. I like the idea of VPNS but find the chosen sound annoying. I think it would be brilliant if Toyota or some inventive aftermarket modders enabled Prius owners to choose from a menu of sounds. Of course I doubt pedestrians would enjoy the EV sounds we chose for our cars any more than we enjoy the ring-tones others choose. Still, what other sounds would you like to choose for your prius to make and use for VPNS? The clippity clop of hooves? Squealing pigs? The sound of a pack of Tour-de-France cyclists? The sound of "heave-ho, heave-ho" with whips cracking? Ben Hur's chariot? Your favorite sports car at idle? Your favorite car at full throttle? A Sherman Tank? The sound of Star Wars vehicles? The Lone Ranger theme? "Born to be Wild"? I'm sure you can come up with better ideas.