Yes, I am quite sure the local dealership made a killing off me. $16k trade-in value for a 2010 Prius with only 16k miles (this will fetch them at least $20k) coupled with no discount from the sticker price. The saving grace is I underestimated the payoff amount by about $165, which they will "kindly" cover. I should have asked for 1.99% APR! ;-)
Ouch...that's a lot of dough. Did you try selling your car to carmax(assuming there is one close by)?
Not within 100 miles unfortunately. Suckers with good credit scores and dealerships are an uneven match (it actually had more to do with not wanting to play their game, life being short enough as it is already). The seller tried to convince me that they enter the VIN into a database to determine what other dealers nationwide are paying (yes, more like how low they can go ), that they have costs involved with detailing and doing an oil change and a 171-point inspection (on a Hybrid) in order to make it certified-ready. I'm sure all that costs them well under $500.
Watch the dealer inventories. The Prius C is moving but not exactly flying off the lots at +$1000MSRP. Go to a dealer and offer them a price you think is fair, say -$500MSRP. They will let you walk out the door, but when demand weakens they'll phone you up--"Hey, remember that Prius C you wanted for $XXXXX? Well, have I got a deal for you..."
I was in the market for a CPO gen III prius for a while, but the dealerships were charging way too much for them. Couldn't get one with low miles to hit the $20k mark. I knew they paid a lot less for them (like your $16k). But regardless, they would not go below $21k...
Ouch: Kelley Blue Book I think I need to start a car selling/purchasing negotiation service. People are getting ripped off left and right.
Dealers started calling me the end of February telling me that they're trying to make their monthly quota. Maybe the OP can do light shopping around now, and then aggressive shopping the end of the month.
That doesn't surprise me in the least. I would have had to find a private seller if I wanted to get anywhere near the fair value for it. I would've been happy with $19k! But without decent secondary transportation (a bike in a small town), I couldn't go that route.
Yes, $16k is the FAIR trade-in value (the bottom end) for a vehicle with my mileage. I would have been satisfied with $17k. I'd already checked this online and went in not expecting to buy anything as I didn't have the pre-authorization for the 2.49% from PenFed (thanks to you for recommending that, btw). Three of the six Cs they received were sold or accounted for. I should've brought in a printout of KBB knowing how dealerships love it when you make rash decisions.
100 over, but i did sell it to myself. 84 months at service credit union 3.24% for a total of $282 a month. auburn toyota [ca] has no mark up these prices will go down once inventory builds up and gas prices go down. the regular prius were going a 1000 back of invoice 6 weeks ago. those who wait can get a better deal. I have a lifted truck that gets 10 MPG so this is about the price of my fuel alone. it was a no brainer to purchase this car. I do love it! its a nice solid little car to.
Wow never knew they finance that long, seen 72 but never 84 and seems to be a good rate for that length.
It should be the best rate as they do offer a $100 if you can beat it . I was going to lease but since toyota just stopped all special incentives on all prius, the money factor jumped up to .0020 and it made the monthly higher then a straight purchse.
For what it's worth, I just got quoted $200 under MSRP on a C three. Nothing to write home about, but at least it's under.
I just put down a refundable credit card down payment to order an "at sea" C3 for $1 below MSRP with nothing but cast wheels (no ToyoGuard, mats, tint - nothing). That's $22,864 plus tax and tag. They had $5000 over MSRP stickers that were a joke for half-educated buyers. Any shenanigans will prompt my cancelling that charge. As you can see I am leery of any car dealer. I probably could have done the stand-up and walk-out charade, but this was $780 less than a previous hour internet salesman stalemate from a competing dealer. I felt it was fair for both of us. For die-hard bargainers, you could shave some more off MSRP, but there is only about $500-700 between invoice and MSRP. Now I have a couple of weeks to get financing.
It's very possible to get a C at under MSRP - thru me. Supplies are very limited with gas at $4.40 here but I do have great deals on all my c's ... :mod:
Here in Canada we have a site called where you can pay to get x number of car price reports. The Prius c data just came in and here's what I found for our highest trim level (equivalent to your c Four with all options) Retail price (MSRP) = $25,340 Wholesale price = $23,671 Dealer profit = $1,669 = 7% profit The site suggests you start your bidding at the wholesale price, which they obviously will turn you down on, but try and work your way up to give the dealer 3-6% profit. I got $500 below MSRP, or roughly 5% dealer profit. Two weeks ago I walked in and placed a $500 refundable deposit to be the first Prius c order at my local dealership. But then I had second thoughts about the dealership after taking to some friends, so I went back a few days later to ask for my deposit back. Turns out it wasn't so easily refundable because they were bending over backwards to keep me! I guess they knew I was interested and they knew I was ready to purchase and if they let me leave with my deposit that they would lose my sale to another dealer. Long story short, I was signing a bill of sale for $500 below MSRP. That's when I noticed my dealer was also charging a $299 registration fee for a security feature offered by, its something like VIN etching but they never tell you about it or explain it unless you ask. Luckily I had my iPad on me, at which point I showed them an Ontario government legislation which prohibits car dealers from charging any mandatory dealer fees. They stared at me blankly and said "you can put that away, we don't need to look at any fancy devices" and 5 minutes later the fee was magically removed. So essentially I saved $800 but in a very roundabout way! Only problem is I have no idea when my car is arriving. Canadian dealers should be receiving their 1 showroom models this week, but my dealer already sold it to a customer. So they said mine is the next order, and I'm waiting with baited breath for a delivery date!
I live in Utah but will be in CA soon and am interested in buying a C on vacation if it's the right price. I've heard though that if you are an out of state buyer, you not only have to pay the sales tax to CA, but then UT will hit me with it when I get home? Is that true? Or are you just able to issue a temp tag for in transit, and then I do all the UT paper work once I'm home?