At least he put his money where his mouth is. But it may not matter if his life expectancy is insufficient to learn if he was wrong.
This thought occurred to me also. The truth is that I hope that the deniers are right for the sake of the planet, but I don't think that is the reality. And I also believe that it is probably too late to avoid the consequences.
Unfortunately, the deniers are unquestionably wrong. The only people who don't think global warming is real and anthropogenic are Republicans, their puppetmasters, and the people they have managed to convince. All of the science points that way. As to the consequences, you are correct, it will take a lot of time to reverse the trend. A century or two at least if we get serious now. this a recent interview - do we have a date stamp? I do not agree with his science interpretation, but I do not think the science side defended too well in this video except via out-numbering Lutz and beating him to death verbally. Presumably he is flood insured by Feds on the Keys property? I like the FL Keys too. I would tend to feel the sea level might rise someday but Hurricanes way scarier scenario.
I saved a link to a site where pre banko GM share holders would try to bring up issues with the company that they owned via stock - in hopes of bringing about positive changes in the company. This article relates to Lutz, prior to the company going under: Lutz Is An Idiot I'm sure there was a time that the man was an asset to the company, and his leadership style was beneficial. But then, once upon a time, public flogging was in vogue too. .
+1 Lutz is going to die before global warming will raise sea levels enough to drown his house. In the meant time he has a huge federal subsidy since he is subsidized by federal insurance. The keys are a natural treasure. If lutz's home is damaged by being built in the wrong place, he will be bailed out again by the federal government. The auto industry had a rough time in this economy,with low sales exposing many weaknesses. Before it hit though Lutz was steering his ship as a very poor captain. There was a forbes review of the new escalade with the reviewer pointedly asking lutz, why gm is investing so much in SUVs when the market is set to drop out. He responded that gm had large market share, and will continue to make money. He was never an asset as CEO, he should have gone down with the ship.
Some folks ain't gonna wait til the water reaches their ankles before they jump! THE government is expected to make an announcement today about reports of Kiribati moving its people to Fiji amid revelations that a church group is selling fertile land on the mainland to the tune of $9.6 million. ... "We're trying to secure the future of our people," he said. "The international community needs to be addressing this problem more," Kiribati president Anote Tong said on ABC News. According to ABC News, Mr Tong told The Associated Press his Cabinet endorsed a plan to buy nearly 6000 acres on Fiji's main island Viti Levu. He said the fertile land, being sold by a church group for about $9.6 million, could provide an insurance policy for Kiribati's entire population of 103,000, though he hopes it will never be necessary for everyone to leave.
Double efficiency and you cut cost by 50%, while potentially doubling profit. "Believing" or "not believing" in climate change is moot if you increase efficiency and increase profit. This is a silly argument and shows deniers can only think short term and have no concept of sustainability.
lol. GM did in fact greatly increase the energy efficiency of their plants, decreasing costs, and now helping profits. They did push poor fuel efficiency cars, that were more profitable for them in the short term. This translated to bigger bonuses for Lutz. As people shifted to better efficiency in their vehicles, GM went bankrupt, and Lutz was bailed out for his bad decisions by you and me. Now he has property in a place that is likely to have environmental damage, and he again has federal government insurance to bail him out if he is wrong again.
...sounds like a good investment for them, but the article I saw said sea level has not actually risen much - yet.
Most of Kiribati is 2 meters or less above sea level. Even small changes in sea level threaten severe flooding during storms.