I searched the forum and could not find the answer to 2012 Prius color combination... Does Toyota have specific exterior color requirements for the 3 interior colors (bisque, misty gray, dark gray)... For example, with Classic Silver Metallic exterior color, could I get a Prius with any one of the three interior colors? I'm having hard time finding a dealer that offers Prius in classic silver with dark gray interior... most seems to be offered in misty gray which i think is too light... and my current car has interior similar to bisque and i'm not a big fan... Thanks!
Playing around with Build Your Prius on Toyota's website can give you that information. For example, when you select Classic Silver Metallic, Bisque has a mark on it indicating it's not available (as it should be, for tan doesn't really go with silver). However, it doesn't really tell you whether or not a particular color is actually allocated to your region. We have the opposite problem as you do. They've stopped allocating Misty Gray to the Southern California region about a year ago so all we have are Dark Gray and Bisque. So it's really region-specific.
Yes. They should be on toyota.com Typically Toyota pairs beige with black, white, beige (no longer offered) and red. Dark Grey would be offered on all except beige.
I just bought my 2012 (Prius 3) a few weeks ago in silver with the charcoal interior. It was my favorite color combo of any that I got to look at. I love it.