2008, 80,000 miles. Driver CVT boot (had to replace axle, Shop repair) Drive side front bearing (Shop repair) Combination meter (DIY & pEEf) Cruise control not working. (still not fixed) 2 sets front brake pads. (DIY) Still happy though. My wife's job is hard on vehicles. The Prius has had 1/3 the repairs that her other cars have had in the same amount of time.
I had to replace the driver side Sunvisor for sagging. The passenger side will need it soon. The inverter coolant pump was replaced under Toyota TSB.
This poll is missing: inverter cooling pump, engine water pump. Both failed on mine between 65K and 75K.
road salts + dry winter air = murder on rubber parts, maybe silicone spray once a month will help them last longer? Seems like a common problem Seems like a rare problem but congrats on the DIY Prius is a city car so cruise control is not necessary, I just advised a potential prius buyer who only wanted to drive on the expressway to consider other vehicles. Wth? with proper hybrid driving technique one set should last at least 120-150K miles, if anything our rotors are underused and will rust and need replacement more often than the pads.
If you drive a Prius round city traffic most of the time 40,000 miles to a set of front pads is not unusual, most taxi companies find this extremely good compared with similar sized standard cars with the same type of use.
Yup, 40 K is about the limit, but, she is a rural mail carrier, 300 stops, 6 days a week. Other cars are new pads every 6 months, this one is every 2 years. The last set cost $40, but they had a $30 rebate. So, $10 and 45 minutes, and we're good for another 2 years.
Yep. Also, "other failure" is going to get a lot of votes, which is what I voted. I had my CHS pump replaced under warranty because it was squealing. It hadn't failed. I have the volume knob problem where it intermittently goes wild or doesn't work (workaround is to press on the left side of the faceplate). Is this a failure? I'm definitely not going to shell out the $ to replace it. 04-05 Priuses are way more likely to hit MFD failures. Are needing replacement struts and shocks really a "failure". I've never changed mien and I'm past 60K miles. Those are wear items, IMHO.
I do follow what you mean about struts and shocks but my rear drivers side shock failed "passengers side for you" (leaked) at 7k miles and both were replaced under guaranty.
This poll is never going to approach the quality of a CR survey in general, but it could give some prevalence data to the high cost, hybrid specific components like the inverter and traction battery.
Yeah, that sounds premature and I'd consider that a failure. Side note: Your mention of leakage reminded me of http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-ii-...ar-struts-leaking-oil-dealer-says-normal.html and the TSB at http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-ii-...40671-cost-shock-replacment-2.html#post669760.
I would defend to the end your right to such an incorrect opinion. I never go to any town you would call a city, 95% at 55 MPH or above. I am in Cruise Control even more than that. 2009 (in 3 weeks it will be 3 years old) 90,000 miles no issues, except I just put on my third set of tires.
As the owner of 4 -2008 Prius taxi's and one 2010 my biggest headache is wheel bearings and I do go through driver side axles. I have replaced one passenger side axle. Other than that the cars are great and between fuel and parts and labor savings I increase my profits by about $50,000 a year running the Prius compared to driving an Impala or Caprice. PLus it is common for them to be on the road at 700,000km or more and the North American junk is usually off the road at 400,000km. Over 30 Prius taxi's on our fleet and not one has touched a trasnsaxle which is impressive-- I have seen other Prius taxi owners saying the transaxle has been trouble so I assume their drivers are abusing the cars and not being nice to them like us nice Canadians!
Blown right read door 6" speaker. Not due to volume issues, it just quit. Replacement was no problem!
I have had my 2007 Prius with 28K Km - for nearly 4 months - no repairs yet I was still interested in the poll results so I know what to look out for.
I realize I am a newbie, but I would agree with the previous comment. If the majority of driving is as a highway commuter car (in this area that would mean speeds at at consistent 70-80 mph to keep up with the flow of traffic), I dont think the prius is the best choice However for mixed driving or slowering highway speeds less than 70mph, this car is very tough to beat. In regards to the poll. Mine has 229k and I think the only thing significant that applies is a front wheel bearing around 200k which I thought was a great service life out of it.
107k - Replaced 3 modules in HV battery 111k - Replaced coolant control valve At 120k now and everything else seems fine.