I finally got around to buying a SG II for my Prius. I have one in my 95 Previa S/C & my 09 Corolla. I'm looking forward to playing with it on my Prius too.
Congrats and have fun playing with the SG II. If you do not Adrian Black's Gen III spreadsheet you need to search on here and get this for all of the updated XGauges.
keep us updated & tell us how u like it. contemplating myself if it's worth buying here in sunny calif.
I've found it a very nice addition on my Previa & Corolla so I'm sure I'll like it on my Prius too. I drove it today with the SG II & I love the location that I mounted it in. It's easy to see but is a little hidden from prying eyes.
It connects to the ODB port and gives you a lot of gauges you don't have. Such as: RPM, coolant temp, 12V battery voltage, and dozens of others. It will also let you read out the codes if you have a check engine light and you can use it to set the backup beeper to 1 beep and turn off the extra seatbelt beeps. Here is the ScanGage thread: http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-iii...discussion/64406-scangaugeii-work-2010-a.html It will answer all your questions.
Interesting location. You didn't want to mount it to the steering wheel column? Glad you finally got one. They are super handy. I stuck mine on top of the steering wheel column as instructed by The Critic and it works great and the cord stays hidden. It is also readily viewable without having to move my eyes off the road much. A little sticky Velcro is all that is needed since much of the weight of the device is resting on the column.
The ScanGauge II is normally $150 but you can find them on eBay or Amazon every now and then for around $125. Be sure to verify that it includes the latest firmware, though.
Here is a blurry night shot that illustrates how it appears when mounted on the steering column. Not sure if this helps you or not, SuperchargedMR2.
They are normally $159. I ordered mine from AutoAnything.com with a 15% off coupon & free shipping. It was the best price I could find at $135 & was the 3rd one that I've ordered from them. Great service & ultra fast shipping.
It came with 2 small pieces of velcro. I used an alcohol pad to clean the plastic first & the velcro stuck great.
I tried it there too, I have my 09 Corolla one mounted that way. My wife drivess the Prius more then me though & she likes the steering wheel in all the way since she is short & there wasn't enough room unless the steering wheel is pulled out a little. After playing around I found this location & if I need to see something it's easy to see the SC II. There is not something that I have to see every second so it works & is very clean looking. Here is my SC II on my 09 Corolla that my wife never drives. :lol: