I used the instructions for the override on the "in motion lockout" for the navigation on my 06 Prius and get nothing. I received no information on the Blu tooth in the instruction book for the car so I am sort of finding things out by experiment. I did findout that in order to mate your phone with the car, the ignition must be in the on position. I tried for a day to mate them with just the nav system and radio on and it didn't work. Any information on the override for the nav system would be helpfull.
I don't think anyone has successfully done an override for the nav system for the '06 which is leading to speculation that Toyota has "fixed" this loophole.
It is my understanding that you can change destinations and poi's using voice with the navigation system. At least that is what my salesperson believes.
if you are looking for your bluetooth information, look in your main manual under "hands free". Hope you are enjoying your new car.
Has anyone figured out how to get to the setup screen? If so is the override button just missing? I can't imagine they would have removed the ability to get to the setup, perhaps just changed it. Hopefully I can check myself tomorrow when my car is supposed to arrive!
I posted previously in great detail all of the screens of the '06 diagnostics menu (search on my user name for posting in the last two week). There is no override button. However, because you can use the voice recognition system to enter a destination (and, with Bluetooth, dial any phone number), the override is not as necessary as on the '05, and is certainly much safer if the driver is the only person in the car. For details on these new commands, see the Help section on the MFD on the voice entry screen for all the commands. I also posted images of all of these screens a week or so back.