Hi everyone! I talked to a dealer yesterday about ordering an '06 Prius. I want the GY/#1/ base package (I'm thrifty!) and the dealer told me that the cheapest one available to New England is the HF/#3. Is that eveyone's experience too? He also wanted a $500 deposit, and I wander if that's really necessary considering the demand for the car. Thanks!
If you look on the Toyota website, you can "build" your Prius. When you enter your zip code, it takes you to the page specific for New England. There is seems that you should be able to get Option "A" which doesn't add anything to the base price. The next package is "B," which adds $1475 to the price but includes additional airbags, auxillary audio input (like for an iPod), Smart Key System, and a backup camera. I also think they're using last year's package letters ("GY," etc.) Package A ($0) is "FE" and Package B is now "HF." We bought an '05 in August and got what is essentially "Option B." Have to say that Smart Key System rocks, and we like having the additional safety features. (Ours didn't have the audio input or backup camera, however.) So, it seems like you should be able to get an '06 in New England without any additional package charge, judging from the Toyta website. By the way, we had vastly different experiences with several local dealers. Two dealers wanted a $1000 deposit and were very high pressure. The dealer we went with--Hurlbert Toyota in Exeter/Stratham, NH--was great. We put $100 on a credit card (which they didn't even run, and was fully refundable if we didn't want the car that was on its way in). They also let you test drive the car by yourself--they stay behind. I'd highly recommend them.
I was asked for a fully refundable $500 deposit as well -- I think they do this because of the demand of the vehicle to make sure the potential buyer is serious about the transaction.
Neither of the dealers that I gave deposits to have ever cashed the checks, as they promised, so I don't think the interest is the issue. I just think they want it to see how serious you are. By the way, I typed in a zipcode for Boston, MA, and the packages available in that area are #1, #3, #5, #7, and #8. So, if they're telling you they can't get a base model, I think they are mistaken. Jeff O. Hobe Sound, FL
That is a very good reason to use a check for your deposit. I did mine over the phone with a credit card and it showed up on my next statement. Good point. Packages #1 and #8 were added no more than a week ago to the Toyota website. We don't realy know if it is just one more mistake on the website -- sure hope it isn't a mistake.
Thanks everyone. I also saw that on the website, option A ($0) seemed to be available in my area. I think I'll start calling around...
My dealer in Vermont tells me the same thing as stated in the original post - the lowest option he can get is #3(HF).
It's better to put it on credit card. If the dealer had promised not to process it, he can hardly complain when you call your credit card to protest the charge. You won't have to pay the portion of your CC bill while the charge is disputed. B)