I really wanted a II, but all they had was a IV with moonroof and 16" wheels. Plus some other misc add ons like blinker fluid and free serpentine belt replacement which I declined. It had to be white, and at least this one was (moonglow). So I paid about 4k more than I was wanting to. But, I needed something now and on borrowed time with my current car. No pics as it's still at the dealership. I'm super busy and had to get back to work. They are pulling it inside to do a final prep and I may leave it since it's supposed to hail and stuff this afternoon. And it's gonna rain the next four days Pics when I get it.
Take solace in the fact that you have a nicer looking dash/seats without the two tone look and fugly blue accent ron
Could of swore, in one of the many introductory videos available on this very site, that one of the head engineers of The Prius C said the engine was beltless. So I don't know what value a serpentine belt replacement would of had. To even offer it, on a vehicle that doesn't need it, is either ignorance of their own product by the dealership, or an attempt to gouge some more money for nothing out of a buyer. Glad you declined it. A belt you don't have...and blinker fluid? What the "H" is Blinker Fluid?
I was being hi-larious. IE, bs markups that aren't anything. $70 nitrogen in tires, etc. Think it stickered at $25,3xx or so. Can't remember since it's not in front of me.
Ah...sometimes I have a disturbing inability to recognize sarcasm. But I also have a paranoid distrust of most dealerships. I wouldn't put it past a lot of them to try to sell anything and everything for simple mark-up and profit. I am interested on your review of the interior. The big difference at level 4 IMO is the softex, heated seats, and fully adjustable seats... Or that is what interests me about potentially going up to that level. It's a big jump.... I'd be interested in your feeling about how much better or not it actually seems to be...
Same here, 'Electric You', I've found dealerships to be extremely inventive when it comes to free stuff offers sometimes. In this case, if the fluid is low the serpentine belt won't blink. Free fluid is a very good thing.:huh: Not a tough choice... a 4 over any of the others. Better interior and the possibility of the 16 inch alloys. Great move!
Finally able to take some pics: Dash. Last trip shows 74.8mpg. About a 5 mile drive from a diner back up to work. Seats are growing on me. Very comfortable, but there is a lot of pattern to the design. I like they are light in color. You can tell it's not leather (though others have been fooled who have sat in it). Feel like very high quality seat covers (which I guess is all they really are). I pulled the little loops that hold the cover up down. Could see them in the rear view. I took the headrests and put them in the back as well. Could probably get rid of the seatbelt too, won't have many folks riding in back. Probably hard to see, but the little spot at the front left of the handle is where you put your hand to lock the car. Think this is only on the three and four. Key with backup removed. Dang, that's a lot of stuff crammed in there. After the initial downer I get after making large purchases, I'm really digging the car. Has quite a bit of wind noise at highway speed, but rides well. I'd have preferred 15" wheels, but it came with the 16"s. No rattles and never feels unpredictable. Much better driving than I expected. Doesn't compare to my 94 Miata, but not terrible like a bus. Haven't had a chance to mess with anything display wise. I already have XM and only listed to Opie and Anthony, so once I figured that out, I quit tinkering. Not sure what the B on the shift column is, something to do with engine braking I think. I did notice in the manual it says to accelerate to the speed you want, then lift off the accelerator entirely, then push it back down. Wonder how many folks will read that. I was amused at the instructions for the drivers floor mat that were repeated probably 30 times in all the literature. Lawyers, meh. I still think the Two is probably the best bang for the buck, but I needed a car and didn't have time to wait and find one. Mine came from Gulf States Toyota (importer). Port installed options were: 3M window tint (they did a really good job fwiw) Rear bumper plastic guard thing Cargo net Carpeted floor mats Some paint/fabric protection thing. $300, thought it was BS, but dealer wouldn't back off of it since it was a port install and not a dealer install. So had to bite it. Need to get a windshield shade for it, and would like some mudguards.
Yes, "B" is a lot like "L" on a traditional combustion engine vehicle. Toyota decided to trip us up and rename that gear.
Beautiful! Congratulations! So what do you think of the bumper protector on your car so far? I'm ordering one on my Absolutely Red that I will have in a week and a half but I hadn't seen it in person on the car, only pix. I think the contrast looks nice though! Maybe makes it a tad "sportier" or more "rugged"?
Ummm... Good thing you declined anything related to "belt replacements" on your "c"... Because the engine has no belts!!!
Mine is a Four in Absolutely Red and also has the rear bumper protector. I was nervous about the look at first too, but it looks nice in person; I don't think you'll be disappointed.
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 0 Thing MSRP 1 Four $23 230[/right] 2 Delivery $760 3 Moonroof and Alloys $1 150[/right] 4 Total (excl crap) $25 140[/right] 5 Crap (floormats) $200 6 Total (net crap) $25 340[/right]
I like the contrast of the rear applique. I don't really use the hatch, most stuff just gets thrown in the back seats. So it probably won't do me a ton of good, I do like the looks. Super happy with the car