Most Toyota vehicles are boring -- and the Prius is no exception. When I have to rent a car from Enterprise - I'm always shocked at how numb and unresponsive the steering and suspension is on so many cars. The Prius is particularly bad at on/off ramps -- but so are a lot of cars. It is what it is...
Someone on here said "it is more fun to go fast in a slow car than it is to go slow in a fast car". I think that may be my opinion also. I don't find the Prius boring at all. What I would find boring is an oversized SUV or a big land yacht with soft suspension and steering with no road feel.
It looks like you've found a real sore spot. I didn't realize that so many members were challenged… self-depriciating humor-wise that is. I'm beginning to wonder whether the owners aren't more boring than the car! jadziasman excluded: But then again, there really is a Prius 300GT race car: Toyota Prius GT300 Race Car is Mean and Green And the Toyata Hybrid Le Mans race car: Toyota Hybrid Le Mans Race Car
I'm having a blast driving my Prius. I've done some suspension modification to make it a bit more solid but overall I've enjoy trying to maximize my mpg. The other night I told my wife I was going out for a drive. She gave me a look like I was crazy when I told her I was taking the Prius. Here's a picture of my other ride:
FUN to drive! FUN as in bragging to owners of "fun to drive" cars that I get 48mpg's . Laughing all the way past the gas station!
I live and work in the NYC Metro area. Lots of congestion coupled with a complete spectrum of driving experience. Every trip is exciting, no matter what car you drive. My Prius makes it all the more bearable.
The Prius drive for me remains entertaining. I like the challenge each time to work with the machine to get a "good" MPG score given the conditions at hand. High wind, rain, traffic all adds to the challenge. It is a cerebral activity that I find fun not boring. Some perspective. I traded a BMW 335 twin turbo coupe for the Prius. I could rarely get near any performance limits with that car and keep my license. I found that car kind of boring in comparison with our Z4. With the Prius I can get near the MPG performance limits daily. We still have a Jeep for the winter (snow keeps it interesting) and a BMW Z4 for summer use (with the top down and a nice day it is fun) .
The Prius is entertaining, never boring IMO the Prius is the most entertaining car on the road. I've had a 2001, 2004 and now a 2010 and I LOVE this car. I arrive at my destination far more relaxed and listen to more classical music in the Prius. I'm not worrying about taking the time to gas up every three days. Yes, it's fun to get in my husband's Suzuku X-90 occasionally and zoom zoom around, but I'm always so happy to get back to my Prius and actually relax during the drive.
The boring factor went down immediately after I put rims and springs on my car. Now it is simply a blast to drive. Cannot wait to add bars and go up another notch. And the challenge of how to get the best MPG with all the info on this forum fills the void for me. I drive on the iRacing simulator software to get my need for speed...and where it should be executed, off the actual streets.
I would say IT IS boring in the aspect that it isn't a Corvette. It's not a sports car and it most definitely doesn't handle like one; not a chick magnet. I would say it IS NOT boring in the aspect that it is a vehicle on the cutting edge of current mass production automotive technology. It is interesting, and fascinating, to me the technology in the vehicle.
As the journey is the destination and the most intelligent vehicle gives the most intelligent journey, what's the question again, bored" All the way to the bank
I would not call it boring but it is very relaxing. Not sure what it is, bus suspect lack of engine noise while waiting at stops.
It's the most boring car I have ever driven. It's the exact opposite of the "ultimate driving machine". That being said it has taught me to become a better mpg driver, and it is fun to continually try to improve in this area. I actually look forward to driving the car. iPad ?
I have driven about 6 cars with under 70 HP, they are not boring as you can 'race' like mad and no one outside the car has any clue. My Prius has too much HP, I can attract Officer Friendly with 110 HP. My daughter and I were vacationing in Phoenix and I rented a Mustang, back when I owned a Toyota Corolla All-trac wagon. I had gotten so used to flooring it to go anywhere she thought she was going to die in that Mustang. In the Prius, I do not floor it very often, I would meet John Law.
Bingo, bingo, bingo!!! That is exactly it! The fact Prius gives instant information about fuel economy and more make me want to drive more efficiently. Today a young dude in a brand new Mustang GT was trying to shovel his way up my right side as his lane was ending. Then he proceeded to drive quite close to my car's backside. I'm thinking ...... here's this 5.0 Liter V8 car obviously getting about 19 MPGs ... it's far overpowered for putting down the crowded boulevard at 35 MPH. .. it's two doors, and two measely back seats, lousy headroom, expensive tires .... what a rotten car to have as a daily driver. If a car fanatic and having it for weekend fun, ok, but otherwise, what a waste of money ... and gas.
I like motorcycles. In my opinion, some pretty hot cars would still be boring compared to carving up twisty roads on two wheels. Cannot get the same experience in a car. Your just sitting there, working pedals and turning a steering wheel, not balancing speed, lean angle, body position, turn-in timing and everything else on a motorcycle, especially a sporty steet bike. This is opposite of boring ...
I think everyone pretty much covered it. I came from a '00 Corvette, an 11sec '00 Trans Am and 719rwhp GMC Sierra 4x4. They were fun but so is the the Prius. It's just fun in a different way.
Not boring at all! I love watching my mpg creep up, hitting new milestones. I live in SoCal and spend most of my time sitting in traffic. In addition to not wanting to get a f*cking speeding ticket, when the hell am I going to have a chance to put a car through it's paces on the 405 when I'm averaging 20mph? For me, the bottom line is that my 2012 Prius is anything but boring. You know what was boring? Getting 15mpg in my supposedly "not boring" old that's boring! 50+mpg rocks!:rockon: