I frequent several automotive forums and they all have statements similar to this, " I drive a (enter model here) because it's fun to drive, Priuses are boring to drive". So tell me, how boring is your Prius to drive?
A riding lawnmower is a more exhilarating experience. Anyone know what the release date of the Prius GT is ? It will make a fine addition to the Prius family. LOL!!!!!!
Not every car is fun to drive and not every car is a muscle car and not every car can haul three-times its weight. It is futile to compare driving a Prius to a Ferrari. I could just as easily write this: I frequent a Prius forum and it has statements similar to this, "I drive a Prius because with gas at $4.00 per gallon and climbing I'm saving even more money on gas." So tell me, how much is your monthly gasoline bill?
That doesn't answer the OP's question. Do you consider it a bore to drive, which I faithfully answered. And, try to have a sense of humor about this, which was probably the OP's intent - or should have been.
My point is, how could it be boring to drive if we're preoccupied with maximizing the fuel economy Just a different perspective when driving a Prius. I agree though it can be boring if you just drive it like a normal car, but we can said the same thing about Camry and every other cars out there that are not actually fun to drive like the Miata, Porsche, 300Z, etc.
All cars get boring to drive once you get used to them. The Prius is less boring than other cars I've driven because of all the gauges.
Huh? What? Yeah, I'm awake... just resting my eyes. What was the question again? Is the Prius boring? Well it's not quite as boring as watching grass grow or paint dry. I'd say it's about as boring as watching clothes in a dryer. Only real excitement is filling the gas tank... and that's every two weeks or so.... Yawn.
I consider my Prius a transportation appliance, for which it is well suited. It's easy to drive, pleasant in fact, but not exciting in the least. My Jeep is much more fun, but it's harder to drive, noisy, bumpy, and gets terrible gas mileage. Tom
Driving/owning a Prius takes a different mind set. I've driven higher performance cars, but I've found I've moved beyond the boy racer mentality. I've come to enjoy the more relaxed driving environment of a Prius. I'm sure it's helped my blood pressure! Driving for high MPG takes a different skill set, which makes for less boredom. That said, a Prius in power mode is surprisingly fast off the line in typical traffic conditions. Add some suspension mods, and "yanking and banking" can be quite fun!
Boring? Not to me so far. But then having a car that delivers this sort of mpg was not be thrilling IMO. My ex had a late '90's VW Cabrio that was fun to drive. That led me to my '99 New Beetle that was equally fun to drive. My last car before the Prius was a '03 Baja base model. While my 2012-2 does not handle quite like any other car I have owned before; I am really liking how relaxed she is making me in my driving her. I am not driving her to make me a member of the Prius Haters Club; but am enjoying life in the right hand lane a bit more.
I've never understood that statement period. Maybe I'm missing something. I've owned cars, trucks and driven a wide variety of vehicles. And I can honestly say, I've been able to find things I enjoyed and disliked about driving all of them. I currently drive a Honda Fit. Almost every review in the world will at some point say it is "Tossable" and "Fun To Drive"..... Okay....yeah, it's "Fun to Drive". But does that mean it's not fun to have an electric motor propelling you at a significant gas savings? It's not fun to have the hybrid benefits and the showcasing technology of a Prius? Maybe it will take an extra 4-6 seconds to go from 0-60...maybe I won't be able to drive into tire squealing corners..... And maybe? Part of it is me. Because as driving congestion in urban area's increases? I find those "benefits" less, and less valuable. As I age, I find my desire to care that I've went from 0-60 in 8 seconds vs. 10 seconds, means far, far less. The idea of sitting in a traffic jam, being able to listen to my music, and have the engine cycle off as I inch along....that sounds like a BLAST to me. If gas prices continue to rise, and I believe they must...then I think we rapidly go from an importance placed on "Fun To Drive" to "Afford To Drive". I think going to the beach is FUN. And when gas approaches $5.00 a gallon? The 50mpg of The Prius would allow me to contemplate that road trip. IMO...that's fun.
Good point. My hypermiling skills really need improvement. If I could just get rid of all the other drivers from the road on my daily commute to work who apparently are trying to enjoy some driving excitement while passing me or are getting angry while tailgating me on their way to wherever, I might just experience the thrill of a achieving a 60 mpg average MFD reading between fill ups. I haven't reached that magic number. I know it's achievable. The fact I haven't reached it yet must be due to that darn 12V OEM auxilliary battery drawing excess current while I drive, stealing my mpg. I'm sure an Optima yellow top would solve that (LOL! - private joke - see my recent post on the subject). Kind of inconvenient for me to leave for work at 3 AM to avoid all the traffic. The office opens at 6 AM.
I find it less boring to drive than conventional cars. I find travel boring anyway. I even tend to walk quickly when I have somewhere to go. But, I find hypermiling relatively enjoyable, compared to normal driving, so I'll take extra time to do it, including walking or cycling* as an alternative to driving. * Got my bicycle out yesterday for the first time since winter arrived. And next week's forecast is looking good with a minimum high of 48F. What little snow we have around should melt away in a few days.
As a commuter car from a performance perspective? No, not any more boring than any other car stuck in traffic. Now, if there were no traffic and I could rule the road with muscle --- yep, it's pretty boring. Plenty of other cars out there (few of which I can afford) that I would rather drive from a pure exhilaration (high g) perspective. However, it's been the geeky technology that makes me want to continue to get in and drive a Prius.
My brother in law has a Porsche Boxter, and it's really nice, but I'd hate to commute to work in it. I liked commuting in my comfortable BMW, but I enjoy my Prius a lot. I don't think BMW has much to offer me over Prius, except vastly higher monthly payments, fuel costs and maintenance costs. I don't get any kicks out of gas-wasting, neck-snap acceleration. It's stupid and childish.
That's pretty much why I started this thread. How is it boring, does it put one to sleep, does it just drone on? Why would you not be bored in an RX7, for example? I owned a VW TDI before the Prius and I don't drive it much more different, so why would I be bored in the Prius, but not the TDI? I once asked over on the TDI site if the car was more fun to drive with the fuel pump wiping out the fuel system or the intercooler icing up and causing a no start and a possible hydrolock in the engine. I said that the car did look zoomy on the back of a flatbed. They just didn't see the humor in that.