a couple of more observations on my new c. i hope folks dont mind as i think of new things i like and dont like. dont forget sunday will be a full test report from me. fantastic mirrors. i normally put those little round add ons but at this point the mirrors are so well done that i dont feel it necessary. took off those huge nice person rear neck supports. i got to see the paint in the daytime. i was surprised (pleasantly) at how much metal flake is in the black sand pearl.i dont like that i do not have auto headlights. automatic daytime is ok. im liking it more and more. it really is pretty cool. as for the name... i was planning on shorty, but a girl recommended stubby for reasons not socially accepted. i then thought of skate as in roller skate. BUT.....i think i have settled on....CHARLOTTE!!! charlotte the c. i kind of like it. a toyota bodyman suggested it. like i said i hope its ok with everyone if i just haphazrdly add my continued impressions as my mature brain considers fred from nashville
yup. fits much better. unusual coming from a guy whose vbehicles ar e very manly. vrod ,benz porsche etc etc. you will understand when you get one. its girl in the best ways possible
haha, ok. I can tell from a distance (online) that they're petite enough being subcompacts. I think my current liftback is a hermy.
just took a little 65 mile jaunt this morning with charlotte. tomorrow i will take a longer, more varied terrain run from nashville up part of the mountain, down and back. but today i went to beautiful natchez trace. did not go over 54mph at anytime. im sure i was in the sweet spot a lot of the time. got an indicated 60mpg. not bad. ok, now the skinny. this car is very tight . stiff, but ok ride. handles very good. absolutely 0 wind noise.every type of road surface can be heard and felt thru steering wheel. funny thing is when you hit bumps you can hear and feel them but it is not jarring.the back support is very good. seat cushion feels thin to this mature butt. accelerates quickly for a few yards and then quite leisurely afterwards. must plan ahead a little. brakes great. gentle stopping a good idea. all in all, fun, stiff and a little vibraty through wheel. liking it better and better every day as learn its positives and foibles. tomorrow longer ride and pics fred from nashville
Aaaaah no auto headlights?!?!?! That's a real shame, and probably the only convenience feature I'll miss when I upgrade from my 2005 Mazda 3. That and rain sensing front wipers.
Ok so it will switch from daytime to nighttime automatically? I guess with the convenience of push button start and smart key entry I will get used to turning the headlights on and off.
i have the same feeling. about the only thing that is a bummer for me, but im getting used to it. oh, the labor we have to do...more importantly, i dont want to forget. fred from nashville
60mpg at 54 mpg and below...not bad, not bad. Should I get one, I'll likely just stay off the interstate altogether (back route would allow me to bypass it).