Just picked up my cII in habanero, traded in my trusty Yaris. Big step up from the Yaris, much easier suspension, yet firm enough to have fun, corners nice and flat without rattling your mollars. Oh yes and this observation: this paint is a pearl coat like Moonlight Pearl only orange! The color changes hue depending on the light. Light peach to robust orange, and in bright direct sunlight I just sparkles . That explains the different shades in all the pictures! The computers says 52 MPG on a short ten mile run in town. More on that later as I Slowly use up the tank! My first hybrid -- wow so so quiet.... Bluetooth phone works great, my dealer set it up for me! Time to read the owners manual!:rockon:
Awesome!!! Congratulations!!! I look forward to reading your review once you've had more time to evaluate the car. :car:
I saw you today at lunch I believe. You were just leaving the dealership going down 10 th street? I saw this very Orange car from a distance and wondered what it was. Got up closer and discovered it was a "C", didn't even know the dealer had them. The other funny thing is there was another white 2010-2011 Pearl White in front of me, it was like evasion of the Prii. Really cool!!! Congratulations!:rockon: Don
It will feel so good to laugh as we drive past those gas stations! Even when I drive "normally" I still get 47 mpg! All those Sonics and Hyundais have to be driven with great care just to get 40. Love this car, gonna check out tinting for the rear windows tommorrow. And a nice wax job later.
Glad to see someone else who upgraded from a Yaris. I drive from Georgetown to Florence KY, I-75 in KY Milemarker 126 to 182, I did 54 MPG going northbound in rain, and home southbound dry weather 50 MPG (59.2 miles) including distance off exits. Driving 63-68 MPH cruise primarily. I end up with less than 2% EV mode. but mileage is still good, will see how accurate it is after first tank, only two tick marks off the gas gauge at about 150 miles on tank
Congrats! Welcome to PC! BTW, I've updated the list of Prius models available for your profile so you can now choose the Prius c.
Light peach? really? I've been told this about my Habanero, but I just don't see it. It's as orange as can be. Anyhow, congrats!
Dusk is when habenero looks the deepest orange, like a beautiful sunset. In show rooms where most dealers use fluorescent lighting, it looks peach, you will find that this color changes by the the hour as lighting conditions vary through the day this color has chameleon like traits to change! I can oggle at my car all day and see a different color. The best is in bright sunlight when the pearlescent color beams. Last I checked, the summary readout says 57 mpg at eighth of a tank! Big long highway trip down highway 5 on Saturday looking foward to see what highway mpg is like.
HI! lol... I just picked up a C2 as well in Habanero.. fell in love with it a few days ago.. and was able to score a package 2 today.. it's been SWEET..
Congrats on your new Habanero , welcome to the club! Just came back from a 400 mile round trip, mostly freeway with some mountain driving. 47 MPG going up 46 MPG going back 70-75 mph with occasional bursts to 80. The car is great on the twisties nice flat handling. Nice and secure on windy mountain passes, LOVE this car, hope you do too!
Thanks Danny! Just came back from an in town drive, 62.5 mpg!! Love this car, only 5 gallons at half tank! Gotta update that avatar now!
Re: Just got the Habanero Bomb! Pix I hope! [/IMG] hope this picture comes out. Just got the windows tinted and light weight wheel covers on.
what a difference. it looks like (correct me if im wrong) you made those crappy nice person stamped steel wheels look very good by adding chrome nuts and a chrome ring. if so, it looks great. how did you do it and with what parts. thanks fred from nashville
15" wheel covers from Auto Zone the bolts are integrated in the plastic cover. dead giveaway is that there are 5 bolts on the cover and the Prius has only four! Price is 39.99 for a set of four! And they are lighter than the stock wheel covers! The black section is multi spoke alloy wheel copy!