I am surprised that no one has mentioned a very critical thing to have in your prius. A DISPOSABLE CAMERA. No, not just in case you come across some beautiful scenery, but in case you have *gasp* dare I say it, a car accident (knock on wood) It is always good especially in fender benders to show the original position of the cars in the accident and will help you dispute any false claims the other driver(s) might make once the police arrive. Plus it tends to calm the other guy down a bit when they realize you have a camera in your hand. Oh and another thing, I always keep a bottle of water and an MRE in my car. (Meal-Ready-to-Eat, army food) You never know when you might get stuck with no water or food. No, I'm not in the military, just a Boy Scout who went a little over board when I was in high school.
I actually do live in Fargo. The movie Fargo neither takes place in, nor was it filmed in Fargo. It takes place in and around Brainerd, and in Minneapolis. There is nothing of Fargo in the movie Fargo. But the caracatures of Minnesotans are pure genius. I do not use mind-altering substances, other than coffee, which is a drug and ought to be illegal, but I'm glad it's not. I'd hate to have to travel to some den of criminals, like Minneapolis, or Brainerd, to score my coffee fix.
I will also carry my emergency backpack, and several bottles of water. (For me and to be shared with my dog. Not for anybody's hippo.)