Anyone have a 15" one in good shape (no scrapes) that they want to sell? Need one. Thanks Dave [email protected]
in case you haven't found one, I saw one on ebay. Can't post links yet so search for "(ONE) BRAND NEW 2010-2011 15 INCH TOYOTA PRIUS WHEEL COVER HUBCAP FACTORY"
What do these go for at a dealership? I had one come off after a tire rotation this week and now have to replace on. Just noticed it this afternoon.
guys (& gals), I have an '05 (2G) that I lost a trim ring from just 2days after installation of new tires at a tire shop (Town Fair Tires---big in the northeast, but I don't know how far across country their sales area is). Anyways , on that 2nd day I had my Prius into the dealer for one of the 5,000 mile oil changes. Because I had just had the new tires installed, I asked them NOT to rotate (un-necessary plus saving some cash in my pocket), but they did give a quick visual & set my tire pressures to 42 lbs front & 40 lbs rear (which the tire shop refused to do, saying I was over-pressuring my tires---NOT, the max pressure on the sidewall is 50 lbs---& they are the ones who sold & installed the tires, so they should have easily seen that spec on the sidewall). The dealer is the one who discovered the missing trim ring & another one about to be lost also. The reason for the loss, they said, was because clip-on wheel balancing weights were used on the outside or front side of each rim & they kept the trim rings from seating properly into/onto the rims. They said the clip-on ones are O.K. to use on the back sides of the rims, but they (the tire shop) should have noticed the warpage on the rings (where the weights held the rings away from the rims) & used stick-on weights instead on the front side or outside of the rims (that's what the dealer does). The dealer suggested that I go back to the tire shop & have them re-balance the new tires with the stick-ons on the front sides & ask them to replace the missing trim ring because their use of the clip-ons caused the loss of the one trim ring, & they even suggested I have them call the dealer's service dept to hear it right from the horse's mouth. At first the tire shop didn't want to do anything for me, but after the phone call & me telling them that the price had just dropped from the $60 per ring (that they were already aware of---probably from causing the loss of somebody else's trim ring) down to $40 (& I also had a $10 off coupon from the dealer's parts dept), they gave me the $30 cash (I already had bought the dealer's trim ring & presented the receipt to the tire shop). So, I'm guessing that you guys with the 3G Priuses also need to ask for stick-on wheel balancing weights on the outside or front side of your wheels too, in case you're losing yours for the same reason. Check your rings/covers for even seating all around the rims & if you find gaps, then go back & have them re-balanced using the stick-on weights (but not at your expense). Ken (in Bolton,Ct)