My last two fill ups have had the most miles on the tank since I've had it. A whole 370 miles and my last pip has been flashing at me. The last two tanks hand calculated i got just over 42mpg. And the last two times I've put in just under nine gallons. so the math is adding up. So technically i should have another what, 2.5 gallons or so in the tank? the temp these last two fill ups have been in the mid 40's. So is that cold enough to where that bladder is shrunk up on me or is my fuel gauge just off? In my last car my fill ups were right at 360-370 miles because that accounts for two days worth of my commute and i really don't want to fill up everyday that i work with the prius. So anyone have any suggestions? i was thinking about bringing my five gallon gas can with and run it a little beyond 400 miles just to make sure that i could go that far, but i'm not a huge fan of smelling gas. Do i possibly need to re calibrate my gas gauge? I'd rather not mess with it but will do if this is consistent with the next couple fill ups. Thanks in advance
With a nine gallon fill, you should have just over a gallon left in the tank before filling. The NA Gen II Prius fuel tank is rated at 11.9 gallons gross. The usable amount is closer to 10. You may get 11 when the stars align and the weather is warm, but don't count on it. Tom
i've never gotten more than 10 gallons in, but it lasts a month so i don't think about it i'm just not sure you can get much more in than that.
mikesarebetter, you are in South Dakota, correct? During the cold winter months, the Gen2 Prius fuel bladder will hold less fuel, because the cold weather makes the fuel bladder stiff and unable to expand as readily as during hotter weather. Your situation sounds normal to me. Prius drivers elsewhere also experience what you saw during cold weather (less fuel capacity in the Gen2 bladder and lower MPGs).
You are achieving the same normal results that many of us here are getting! I have never put more than 9 gallons in EVER! I fill up with 2 pips to go, have never run out of gas, which is a bad thing Egon! Mileage will go down in the winter, up in summer, you are right on track!
And you can't "calibrate" the fuel gauge. It's a computer controlled device. I've never heard of anyone "hacking" it.
In winter I get 8+ gals in summer 9+. Also some gas pumps fill up more for some reason. Sometimes you get 40 then a 60 MPG buts its really 50.
It is possible that the fuel system inclinometers need to be reset. Here is the procedure that has been posted in other threads: Bear68 Senior Member Easter Egg Time.... Anybody wanna reset the fuel gauge inclination sensor? Make sure your fuel level is somewhere between 1/4 and 3/4, and temp should be about 70-90 F. Step 1: PARK ON A LEVEL SURFACE!!!! If you are on a slope you will reset the sensor to an incorrect level!! Step 2: Press the ODO/trip button to turn the odometer to trip A Step 3: Turn off the ignition and set the parking brake. Step 4: DO NOT STEP ON THE BRAKE PEDAL! AT ALL! IT ISN"T NEEDED FOR THIS PROCEDURE!! Step 5: Press and hold the ODO/trip button and press the Power button twice. Step 6: Release and press the ODO/trip button three times Release-Press-Release-Press-Release-Press and HOLD. The Odometer on the combo meter should now be showing the normal mileage, as you hold the ODO/trip button down, the reading should change. Something along the lines of 650D0 or similar. The actual figures don't really matter. Step 7: Release and press the ODO/trip botton once more and HOLD it in. The figure will change again. This time, only ONE digit will change. 650D0>65010 as an example. Don't be afraid to try it. Even if it doesn't work, you won't goof anything up. Try, try again. It sometimes takes a half dozen attempts before you get it work right the first couple of times you do it. This only needs to be done once in a while. I would recommend once every ten tanks or so. I usually only do it when a customer has a fuel gauge issue. [Emphasis added.] Takes a bit of practice but it resets the ECU to try to be more accurate in it's estimation of your actual fuel level. GOOD LUCK!!
My computer mpg rarely matches my Fuelly calculation. Sometimes it is spot on though. If I let the fuel level get low enough to where I get a low fuel warning on the MFD, it will take 9.2 or so gallons to fill it. I love being able to drive all week and then put less than 8 gallons in the tank, only happens when I fill at 1-2 pips though.
Same thing here in South Jersey, Cold weather, bladder stiff = more stops at the station. My problem is I only need to get gas every 3 weeks or so. Once I heard a slight beep and my last pip was blinking! Geez, that will put you into hyper mile driving mode fast. Fortunately there is a gas station every 3 or 4 miles around here and there was no problem.