Is there a difference in mpg between when the bright green ECO light is lit on the dash display, then pushing the ECO button again and the light turns off although I believe the system stays in ECO mode? I realize that pushing the PWR button turns off all ECO reference lights. MR
The Normal, Eco, and Power buttons pretty much keep everything the same except the rate curve for the throttle. With a Scan Gauge II installed, I keep the TPS value (throttle position sensor) value at 25, I think, then pressed the different modes to see. It bumps up for Power, then down for Eco. There was someone who posted the curve on here somewhere. Zero throttle and full throttle are the same in all modes. Eco just makes the throttle less responsive, while Power makes it more responsive. Just think of an N shape for Power, a U shape for Eco, and a straight line for Normal. All start at the same point and end at the same point. I just keep it on Eco.
Thanks for the update. That may help explain the traction control/momentum "game" I'm learning as I climb my steep glacial driveway everyday. (Search Pchat "glacial driveway" for that discussion) I didn't realize there was a "normal" setting, just ECO and power. I'll practice in the normal mode on the glacier instead of the power. It appears that you can active the same MPG in any mode as long as you are consistent with your right foot throttle response? What is a Scan Gauge II? After market tool/accessory or a factory item? What does it do, where can it be found and cost? MR
Scanguage is an OBD-II reader that plugs in under the dash, and gives basic vehicle sensor readings that Toyota didn't think you needed to see, like coolant temp, RPM, etc. They go for $159 both on this site and others, including Amazon. No discounts, same price everywhere. You can also program in some Prius specific parameters too, which they call the Xguage monitor. (works with other cars too, but all manufactures have some different parameters beyond the OBD-II standard) It's nice to see what the coolant temp is, at some point, I think 135-140 F, you can run in electric only mode up to 45 MPH or so. The RPM monitor is nice to see that it actually is in electric only mode when at 0 RPM. I also monitor air intake temp, just because, and the electric inverter temp. Certainly not necessary, but fun if you are a geek and like that kind of thing. That said, I'm not sure I'd like to try climbing and steep driveway with snow or even the streets of San Francisco without snow. Mark
There are other changes to the car when in "eco" mode. For example, the A/C cooling is effected. The bottom line is you -could- get better mileage in "eco" mode, but if you drive the same you will get the same mileage. "Eco" makes it easier to get really good mileage, by making the correct choices for you and making the throttle position less critical for "warp stealth" (moving without consuming fuel at speed). It makes it harder to demand full power (you have to press the pedal further) and that can make it easier to reduce fuel consumption. Unless you're still addicted to power takeoffs. In that case, if you're leaving it in "eco" you're just fooling yourself, something a lot of people do.
Thanks for the education! I Googled the Scan Gauge II and now better understand but I do have a couple of questions. Do you have one and do you think it was worth the purchase? If you do have one, can you list off the various displays that you have found useful. As a car geek, it would be nice to monitor RPM, various temps, etc. Can I also reset the TPMS when I switch out the winter set of tires to the summer set? Is the Xgauge monitor part of that same $159 purchase- a software package or is that a different thing? To me, the Scan Gauge looks like another dash display to get me in trouble. Does it allow one to reprogram any of the cars computer functions or just observe the operations? Thanks for your knowledge on this electronic toy! MR
I think it's worth the $159 for the entertainment value alone! It sure helps to know the RPM, you can play around with your driving style know when the engine is running and when it is not. You can use XGuage with different cars (haven't tried though). It is all included in the same package, no extra software or hardware to buy. You just program 3 different values plus a name for your own variables. Here is a link to a list of all the values you can read from the Prius. This might be on this site too, but I found it here first: I don't think you can reset the TPMS, as far as I know. Seems like it should be possible, though. If you go to the Scanguage site, you can download a PDF of the manual and see what it can do. Mark
Should the ECO Light coincide with the ECO display on the Hybrid System Indicator and the head's up display? I was fiddling with the settings and even though the ECO light setting is "on" since then the ECO light hasn't switched on, even though ECO is shown in the other places. Is there a cheat code to switch the ECO light back on?
I went with the Ultragauge it's much cheaper and does the same things. $69.95 plus shipping, it matches the dash board really well too.
The OP seems to be asking something other than what is being answered. I think there is confusion (understandably) between the "ECO mode indicator" -- bright green over towards the speedometer, and the "ECO status indicater" (or whatever you call it) that is over by the HSI (over the power graph) The first is simply an On/OFF indicator that relates to pushing the "ECO" button on the control panel (I almost said dashboard, but...) Push it once the light goes on - it is now "in ECO mode". Push it again, the light goes off. It is now in "Normal" mode. When THAT light is on, and you are in ECO mode, all the above comments apply -- the throttle response is dampened, it may be easier for some to stay in all-EV mode. The MPG does not change _directly_ but it may make it easier for you to drive in an MPG-friendly way. The other ECO indicator, over the HSI graph is a visual clue that you are not accelerating into the "power" band of RPM. Does it affect MPG? Of course. The ultimate fuel consumption is related directly to the RPM of the ICE. However, this doesn't mean driving with the Eco indicator off is wrong -- it may be more efficient in the long run to accelerate hard for a short period and then glide at higher speed, than to never accelerate hard, and be working the engine for a longer time at a lower speed. Did that clear anything up?
I think it's great value for entertainment, but debatable and might take some time before you save enough fuel to get your money back! It can be addictive, so you have to be careful about task loading. After 3 years, my thirst for extra instruments led me to getting a second one and daisy-chaining them together to get 8 gauges. It's like being in a cockpit!
Do the two scangauges need to be running the same firmware revisions in order for them to be daisey-chained together? Are there any restrictions regarding function when daisey-chained?
My mistake. I thought that there was an extra ECO light (black on green, leaf-shaped background) near the READY light. This is of course the EV light (black on green, car-shaped background), which comes on when one presses the EV button. The ECO light I was thinking of appears in a lot of Japanese Toyotas I have driven and usually sits on the speedo or tacho. Why the Prius would need 4 ECO indicators (counting the extra one in the HUD) did bother me a bit. My only (rhetorical) question now is why is there a setting to switch off the ECO indicator?
"The ultimate fuel consumption is related directly to the RPM of the ICE." This is true when all things are equal, but a lot of other things make a difference in milage as well, including: tire pressure, tire size, tempature, wet roads, and wind. " it may be more efficient in the long run to accelerate hard for a short period and then glide at higher speed, than to never accelerate hard, and be working the engine for a longer time at a lower speed." I agree with this. Does the cruise control work differently in the different modes? I don't see that.
I used the Ultra-gauge for a few years mostly to monitor RPM, and water temperature while getting warning if the water exceeds 210 F, peace of mind if using a lower grill block. Ultra-gauge displays six gauges at once and has a very nice suction mount. Paid $70 back then.
I am not sure what you say ... Prius III has 3 THREE driving mode EV Normal and Power ... so if ECO light is ON ECO mode no light on Normal and of course POWER light is on Power MODE !!! But if you are asking which would give you better MPG that is another thing completely... It is totally depend on (your) driving style .... I found that I can do almost the same mpg with each ... you just have to understand some basic (simplest to ease up the gas and let the electron glide you ....) I like power option (drive a lot in the city) .... but since I have long term full accounting I can tell you that very little difference.... IF YOU DRIVE according to the set... First year I was using ECO thinking the car is smarter then ME .. but not really... Well i do have a ScanGaugeE which helps to get to the 0RPM ... but now I can tell without even watching the gauge !!! Cheers