Hi fellow Prius owners and lovers (I hope), I'm moving from the UK to Dubai and was wondering what the suitability of my 2010 Prius would be to the climate out there and I guess many other factors which I can't think of right now. I have a UK spec 2010 Prius T-Spirit. Cheers.
I guess it'll be ok as far as temperatures go. The Prius is sold in Florida and Arizona and such places so will be used to the heat. One thing to watch is that the HV battery can be slowly damaged (or should I say performance reduced) long term if parked in such sun daily, though I think hot places often have covered parking in the open. My one concern would be the fact that your UK car is RHD and I'm sure Dubai drive on the right. How would a RHD comply with LHD regulations in Dubai? Is there any reason you want to take your car with you? Why not sell it here - they demand a premium in London because of the free congestion charge?
I bought it brand new and if I sell it now, I feel like I'll lose too much, that's one reason. Another reason is that I have not a seen a single prius in Dubai (I've been many times) so it'll be nice to drive something unique. Last but not least I really don't want to sell it because I like it so much. As for these cars being valuable because of the conjestion charge, it doesn't seem to be helping them hold their value too well, within the last year it seems the second hand value for these cars has dropped a lot. My main concerns are spare parts in case something were to go wrong, and temperature. Regarding the high temperatures, is it possible that at the factory, they make priuses different spec for different countries? It's for that reason I was thinking that maybe a UK spec one might not be built the same as a US spec one for example.
I've checked, with the customs and they said they charge 5% of the value of the car which isn't that much and I've had rough quotes for shipping costs. In dollars would cost about $2000 altogether. I'm just stuck on the choice of whether to sell it here and buy a car there or ship it there.
There are some minor differences regarding EV speeds in EV mode where the US models are a little more restrictive. The RHD Prius is based on the Japanese market Prius (with added rear fog light) where they sell more in one month than in one year in the UK. Japan gets hot and humid. The RHD Prius is also sold in Malaysia and Australia which are both hot. My concerns would be whether you have a black or dark coloured car and whether Dubai will accept a RHD vehicle. I understand it is illegal to import a LHD car into Australia, so similar rules might apply in Dubai. If you like the Prius so much, why not sell the UK one and ship a European or even a US one over. Saying all this, once you get out to Dubai you'll fall in love with some 6 litre monstrosity SUV/4x4 like all the other expats
seems you won't be the first Just saw a Toyota Prius on dubai's road.. Actually am ra... on Twitpic silver for sale http://uae.dubizzle.com/classified/autos4x4s/toyota/prius/ ........... Al Futtaim Motors, sole distributor of Toyota and Lexus for the UAE......dealership in Abu Dhabi http://www.thenational.ae/lifestyle...motors-md-has-high-hopes-for-prius-in-the-uae no prius model shown for UAE http://www.toyota.ae/wps/portal/!ut...SmtFL1o2XzUyODQxNDAySEdLRTgwSTVDSUdDVDMxNEgz/
Nice find, I did not see a single one when I was out there for 2 months. That one for sale I did see actually, shame it's not a T-Spirit I would definitely buy it otherwise. I guess the T-Spirit there with maps from another country would render the navigation system useless unless you could get someone to install UAE Maps. During my searches I also saw the news article. Thanks for the info. I don't know why, but I don't think I would go for such a big car especially 4 litre or 6 litre since there is a lot of driving to be done there it would cost a lot, tihnk even with low petrol prices. Depends on my salary I guess.
lol you can tell you've been living in Blighty. I understand fuel is cheap cheap cheap in Dubai - about 50c or 30p a litre!! Add another quid a litre to match ours at the moment. Whilst searching it appears that Dubai is often subject to fuel shortages!?!? so perhaps an economical car like the Prius makes sense despite the low cost of fuel when it is available. Petrol price in Dubai
I hear what you're saying but I honestly found my self driving more than 5 times the distance I usually drive to get around London. Ideally though if I was there, I'd like to get the solar powered roof for the ventilation however, there is a lot of covered parking there.
What is the price of gas in Dubai? Isn't most of the the fuel efficiency benefit of the Prius lost when gas is cheap?
It's about 45-50 UScents per litre, or 30 UK pence. I'm not sure that fuel efficiency decreases with cheaper petrol. Why would it, you're confusing me
I think he means why pay the premium for a hybrid when fuel is so cheap anyhow. There'll be no payback. If you like the Prius/hybrid just because of what it is, then that won't matter though.
I see now, maybe you're right. I do just like the car though. Well that's me done here, thanks for your input guys, I'm just going to have to sell it. Take care.
It's legal to import a LHD car to Aus, but it's very, very hard to register them. Basically, it has to be over 25 years old to register under historical/classic registration. The other option is to simply register it under dealer plates and drive around on the sly, hoping you wont get caught - or keep the car registered in its home country, pay Aus customs a bond equal to the cost of the car and drive it around for a max of 1 year before it has to be shipped back to its home. A few Arab LHD cars have been spotted in Sydney using this method while an Alfa 8C has also been spotted. The more common option is for the mega rich just to import these cars and use them on the track or in a private collection, hence why there's a few Enzos, Carrerra GTs, F40s etc and one (rumored) Veyron SS...