My dealer called today to set an appointment for me to pick up the "First PIP Wilsonville Toyota will deliver". Tomorrow at 11 a.m. we take possession. Thanks to all of you on this forum, I have been able to follow the ship, Continental Highway, from Japan to Portland. I have read the owner's manual and I've gained some good advice. The ship docked Saturday night. By Monday, it was back out to sea heading for Canada. I got a call from the dealer at 10 am today so it didn't take long for them to unload and deliver. Mine is a Blizzard Pearl, non-advanced. Can't wait.
We took delivery today from Wilsonville Toyota. Our Customer Advodate, Ellie Treinen was wonderful. She had just last week attended a training session to learn all about the Prius Plug in and she spent two hours with us walking us through the systems. We love the car!! She told us that from what she can tell from the factory delivery sheets, we have the first PIP in Oregon. No statistics to report yet. It was fully charged when we picked it up and we did a short trip to have lunch before we headed home. The original charge showed a range of 14.3 miles, but as we sat in the lot going through the systems the range dropped below 14 miles obviously indicating that we were using the battery just by having the accessory switch on. This is one sophisticated car.
Congratulations on your new PiP! I'm pretty sure my car was on the same ship as yours (I didn't bother to track it) based on the date it got into Portland. I have a few port-installed options and then I'm having the dealer add the front bumper paint protection film so with that and the fact that they have to drive mine on a truck up to Seattle, I am hoping to get mine by next Friday. Is yours a basic or advanced trim?
Everything she showed us is in the owner's manual. It was just nice to have someone take us through all the displays and teach us how to move from one page to another on the screen. Especially helpful was that she synced our phones, both Verizon Droids, to the car. I now listen to Pandora through the radio.