So the dealership called today and they found one Prius that matches my wants for their allocation. It's a Classic Silver package #7. They are going to install the leather themselves (well port installed really), as they have been doing for the past two model years (leather was available in the SE since the 2004 model). The quality of the leather is exceptional, so I'm not worried about the after-factory work. Anyhow, it should be arriving on December 17th. On December 18th I should be installing the 17" wheels, stiffening braces, suspension braces, and a few electronics. Pictures soon to follow.
W00t! Then you can take it right out Xmas shopping, starting with your nearest Best Buy parking lot, right? If you go much bigger than those 17 inchers, you may need one of those little Cosco 3-step folding chairs to get in it. 10 days and counting (after midnight)...
Congrats, Doc. Oh and good luck sleeping until then. The days after I got the call I couldn't sleep at all until two days after to brought him home. Take pics.
My Explorer has 17" rims too, but it also has 5" of suspension lift and 33" tires. It really does need a step to get in (fortunately they were built in). After climbing into this for 5 years, I'll practically be falling into the Prius... Yes, I'm very excited. I'll install the rims myself (tires already mounted of course), as well as the AIC-100i. I may also go ahead and order some suspension and frame braces. Then, after just getting the Prius, I decided I'm going to do without it for about a week while I have a rear seat entertainment system installed for the kids. Two headrest mounted screens and DVD player, and now thanks to Toyota including the audio jack in the center console, the audio will be integrated without using an FM transmitter. I'll probably have them repalce all the speakers and add a subwoofe as well while it's there. Big, big plans for the little car.
DocVijay Weren't you waiting for a Silver package 8"? Did you change because of some delay in package 8's, or did you get impatient? My dealer is clueless on package 8's and I'm wondering if I should be doing the same as you with port installed leather on a package 7. Does the Southeast Port leather include the side and center armrests? Did you notice the pictures on this site of the 2006 8's with gray leather on the west coast and the port installed leather are a lighter gray than the 2006 "dark gray" shown on the website? I wonder if the factory and the port are burning through the lighter gray leather before switching to the dark gray, or if it's just another Toyota website screw up.
Yes, I was waiting for a package #8. However, the SE will not be getting any for many months, so I decided not to wait. I was told by my delaer that it would be a dark grey leather as I specified, not the lighter grey. I also asked about the door panels and such, and was told that yes they would be leather as well. As for the pictures on the website, I try to use them as an absolute reference, as often times they are way off. Best bet is to go into the delaership and ask to see the samples. Then you can really see the colors. I'm going to go back in next week to finalize details and make sure it's all exactly as I specified. So far I think it'll go well, with no nasty surprises.
Congrats! Can't wait to see the pictures! I recently saw a photo of a Prius on Ebay that had some 17" wheels and the car looked real niiiiice with them, I was thinking of doing the same thing with mine once I have it.
I bought a set of the 17" scion Tc rims from a guy where I work. He bought the Tc and immediately had the 17" rims and brand new tires removed and had 18"s put on. Got the set of four with the tires for $400. Thought taht was a good deal, so come around April till October I'll run the 17's and then put the 15"s on come the winter around here. My friend has the 17" Tc rims on his black 04 and it looks great.
I also decided on the Tc rims. Got them on eBay for less than the price of the tires if I ahd bought them myself. Anyway, they are a bit heavier than the stock wheels, but I'm not overly concerned. I was going to buy some really lightweight 17" rims from Rays Engineering, but I'll probably wait for that. Going to use the cash for a nice rear seat entertainment system for my kids instead.
Doc Vijay With the many comments about changing to larger diameter wheels, is it easy to recalibrate to MFD to correct for this change? Is it a Dealer reprograming?
No need. The wheel diameter is increasing, but th tire sidewall is decreasing, giving nearly the same outside diameter (in this case 24.47" stock and 24.63" aftermarket). For the combo I got, the difference in circumference is only +0.47". As far as speed is concerned, when the speedo says 60 mph, I'm only travelling 59.64 mph. Not big enough to notice. There is no need for any recalibration.
So, Florida isn't going to be receiving the Leather option for a few more months? Do you know if the same would be true for Midwest, or is this just a Southeast Toyota thing?
I don't know about othe areas. Since the SE region already did leather, they'll just keep doing that for now.
Well, the truck that my Prius is on has been delayed down in South Florida somewhere. It should be here by Monday or Tueasday at the latest. So far I have some 17" wheels and a BT brace waiting in my garage. Lot's more to come...
To the OP, did you determine that in your case, that you absolutely aren't much worse off w/a $2000 tax deduction vs. a potential $3150 tax credit? If I were in your shoes, I would delay taking delivery of the car until 1/06. Waiting a few weeks is worth a $2000+ savings on my tax bill.