Yo. Just having a little fun and friendly competition. I'm enjoying some higher gage numbers with some longer trips. This tank consisted of 220 miles highway (longest was two 40 mile trips), 1 1/2 milers to store, 3 1/2 milers to gym and so on, some traffic jams). 50 to 60F dry weather, 38/36 psi, 120 miles w/ 3 occupants, 100 miles w/2, rest solo. Someone, I hope will post an MPGs thread for you to post all sorts of stats. Also, check Fuelly | Share and Compare Your MPG to see if they add Prius c for you to log your fillups. It works great. Let's see some big numbers ... 54.3 MPGs indicated. Fillup today was 51.84 actual with 54.4 indicated.
You can not use the inflated MPG numbers from the CONS. indication on the MID. What do you get when you do the math? Posted from my iPhone via the Tapatalk app.
The Prius' max theoretical MPG is below 30 MPH. So, the 27 MPH average shown is significant. Where is it that you can drive at this speed and not be harassed (emphasis on "nice person") off the road? 420 miles at 27 MPH =15.5 hrs. This couldn't have been one trip could it?
Haha, I'm a slug..... No, many trips ranging from 41 miles to 1 1/2 miles. Traffic jams common. SF Bay area, crowded here. Last gas up was 2/23, 12 days since fillup. Mixed driving. Were in 50F to low 60'sF. Running 38/36 psi. Couple trips with 3 occupants. Dustoff - Worst gage error about 6.8%, can guess the 54.3 indicated goes to 50.6 actual. Can repost actual when filling up.
On recent highway trip at a average display of 58 mph the display was reading 56 mpg, and that was driving on the interstate Hwy 5 in Washington round trip for a total of 293 miles. This was winter, Mar. 4, 2012 with temps 45-55 dry roads, 10% ethanol reg. gas. two of us in the vehicle, 450 lb pay load or so...
In order to call out the c and proudly say "Top This", your MFD must read at least 60mpg, preferably mid 60's or high 60's or else you're just embarrassing yourself. It's like a Civic prancing around and talking shit about the Prius because the Civic achieved 50mpg. Get real, the Prius can get 50mpg without even trying. 55mpg with a little effort. 60mpg under great hypermiling feet. Your effort is much appreciated but come back when you got a more impressive number. P.S. You mentioned that got those numbers in the SF bay area which indeed is impressive if much of the roads you've driven are 30% grade hills. However, without knowing the exact road condition, those numbers can easily be beaten on flat road conditions.
We must consider that the 2010-12 Prius is documented for its mpg both calculated and computer generated. The Prius C has very little feedback on mpg's and so far the initial feedback, at least to me, is somewhat less than I would have believed. For instance with temps in the 70's in Hawaii even our Prius would get close to 60 mpg under those conditions, I would hope the prius C would be in the mid 60's with similar conditions. As more forum members buy the Prius C and begin to post their mpg results we will obviously know a lot more...
As he mentioned, its just for fun. Everyone here knows that C is going to get better MPGs than the regular HB. Give him a break.
Hey, easy now... I used to get from 55 to 58 indicated when renting the '10 / 11's Pri's for a day, but that was continuous, mostly or fully warmed up, city / highway driving. Now that I own one, some trips are cold start 1 1/2 milers to grocery store which will slowly bring a gage from over 50 MPG down several tenths mpg per trip and down to 45 or less. PiP would take care of that prob.
Rokeby, remember that average speed includes stops, slow down and acceleration. E.g. I drove from LA to the Sacramento area (472 miles) with the CC set at 70mph but my average speed one the readout was 59mph because it included stops.
http://priuschat.com/forums/members/lizkauai-albums-2012-priusc3-picture8351-img-4423.html Drove my new PriusC3 home yesterday. Needless to say, I am delighted with it in every way!
Sign me up! However (comma!) please report back when you get to 420 (intentional by Cycledrum? teehee) miles.
F8L, You are absolutely correct. And I know well that 27 MPH average does not mean 27 MPH steady going. My post was intentionally phrased to be correct enough to get by but have enough incorrect to cause a knowing Prius driver to say, "Hey, wait just a minute!" It is meant to be a cautionary tale for the new c drivers. You have to look critically at any and all MPG claims. There are many, many conditions that impact achieved MPG claims. One fundamental condition is MPG as achieved in controlled tests. There was a time, only four years ago, when hard core Prius efficiency fanatics were publishing FE/MPG data for the Gen II. But since the Gen III ,and now the v, c, and PIP, no one seems to have the time, inclination, or perhaps ability to collect and present fundamental FE data. Sure, you can assume Gen II data applies to the Gen III and you'd be wrong. So too I suspect for the v and c. In controlled testing, 50 anything MPG at ~30 MPH is no big deal. 70, 80, and even 100+ MPG is possible in a Gen II... and has been achieved. The difference between controlled testing and everyday driving in traffic at any speed is huge. The OP reports 51.4 in stop and go traffic. IIRC, the EPA got 48 MPG on their test cycle. The OP's MPG is 7% above EPA under very tough conditions, as you have said. Good on him. Prius c,v, and PIP drivers are going to run up hard against the real world limits on achieving EPA and harder yet max theoretical MPG. I suspect that those who have driven a Gen II will understand, accept the reality, and move on. However, some if not many first time Prius drivers are going to be upset, and even livid at not getting what they will insist was an implicit promise of getting the EPA MPG everyday, in all conditions. Not even close... Here just for fun, or nostalgia, are two classic Gen II MPG vs. MPH graphs. I'm sure you'll recognize the second from the venerable, and much mised Bob Wilson:
I know you better and I fought the urge to let it go but couldn't because I know there are people lurking who don't know better.