And the Pearl White paint is what dustoff003 said. You pay for that colour because it's a premium 3-coat paint. All other paints have no extra charge.
Moonglow (082) is the premium white pearl. Super White is the flat white. Might wanna watch your language...
The moonglow isn't silver, and it's not white. It's a silvery-white that's kind of the poor man's pearl white. It's not more money for this color on c - it may be simply because there's not enough "car" to justify the upcharge, or just because it's not a multi-step process to paint.
So it isn't a BP replacement? Very good... I just saw "Lime White Pearl" and a whitish colour. Guess that's a pretty good name based on your description!
Well, hopefully I'll see a moonglow first hand today. I ordered it sight unseen... hope it made today's barge.