After first putting a lot of research into controlling the brightness of the LCDs to not shine light on the ground and surrounding objects more than ambient light, this could have military/defense applications. "Seal Team Six" probably wants to get a hold of this technology, not just for vehicles but for clothing. Heck, if you had an immobile object, like a tent or camp, you could adjust and calibrate the image since it will be still. We used to think the movie "Predator" was very, very SciFi, but with significant research and optimization of this technology, it could be realized by the end of 2012.
Actually, the concept of how the Predator 'cloak' system worked in 'Die Another Day'. After all, the Bond Car was described using LCD projection and the use of micro cameras. In the briefing, around 3:05ish... The Astin Martin Vanquish... As 'Q' refers to it as the 'Vanish'... Using Adaptive Camoflague, tiny cameras relaying the image to a thin, light emitting polymer on the other side.
I do think the military has already been working on technology like this for tanks. The concept even years ago was fairly simple, it's the execution that's difficult. And even with a perfect screen, it somehow needs to have enough angles so that different viewpoints at the same time get the image they would expect on the other side of it. Without something to track the viewer and change accordingly, intelligently, it would have to assume potentially unlimited viewpoints and change what's on the screen for each one as you walk around the vehicle.
Well, a good example was also in Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol when Ethan and Benji were trying to go down the corridor, it needed to lock on to a person's eye to project the right image on the screen for perspective , but after a while it couldn't handle multiple eye angles at once. But we are going way off topic now compared to the original topic, which is the Mercedes Fuel Cell car.