Our electrical power was out for a couple of days. I had to pull the emergency disconnect on the garage door to get to the snow blower, so all weekend we have been manually opening the garage door. Power was restored last night, so I reconnected the automatic door openers. We have an old Jeep that we park outside, and our Prius which gets the garage. This morning my wife took the Jeep to work. I figured she was worried about the roads, so I gave her a call at work. She said that she wanted to take the Prius, but couldn't get the garage door open: "I pulled and pulled but it wouldn't budge." I asked her if she pressed the door opener button; there was a long, long pause... Tom
No sugar for you tonight. Did you happen to mention to your wife that you'd turned the garage door opener back on? Even then, you could have called it a blonde moment, or a senior's moment....but stupid? That would be the people who burn down their house with candles while the lights are out.
We all do it; things like walking into the bathroom and flipping on the light for the fifth time, only to remember that electric lights don't work without electricity. The one I am experiencing today is shifting the Prius into R to go forward. I drove disaster relief with the Jeep over the weekend, and the Jeep has 1st gear in the forward position. Despite knowing better, I get into the Prius, flip the gear selector into R, and then slam on the brakes when it starts to move in the wrong direction. We are all just creatures of habit. Tom
You see, you never should have disabled the reverse beeper. It's there for a reason. For a long time, once a week or so, I'd try to unlock the door of my house by just touching the doorknob. That stopped happening after the Prius became my alternate car, only driven occasionally.
When I worked at a movie theater, we lost power once. We were giving everyone rain checks to come back at a later date. Someone commented that it was hot in the hallway and we should turn the A/C on...... Ironically, when we lost power at my house about 10 years ago for roughly 4 days, I thought we wouldn't have power so I went to my mom's to shower every day. We had an oil boiler, and clearly had hot water. Just one of those things we didn't think about until after since we had nothing else working in the house.
Hot water, maybe, but it's tricky to shower in the dark. Candles work nicely for baths, but not so well for showers.
Of all the people to suffer power failures, Prius owners should be the very last! May I tout, perhaps not for the first time, PriUPS.com? I'm waiting for my PiP. Allegedly built in Feb, but no info on delivery yet. Should be even better at powering the house with the bigger battery. Richard
A battery powered lantern, or a flashlight pointed towards the ceiling, works just fine for me. Outside the shower curtain, of course. Not romantic, just functional. Even with electric water heat, I've had no problem taking a shower in the first day of the outage. Day two, go to the gym or work or a friend's house. My own dwelling hasn't been dark longer than that.
So I'm confused by this one. I have taken 15 to 20 thousand showers in my life, I think I can figure it out without lights. I know I can turn on the water and adjust the temperature blindfolded. Surely I can find the soap and the shampoo, the dam shower is only 18 square feet! Everything I need to wash is within arms distance so no issues there. Am I missing something?
I your a flashlight even without power outages when taken a shower. this because there was 150 watt of halogen waist of energy. now these are led at more then 10 x less the energy and same light.
Or just shower with the curtains open and use natural light . Wait, I do that now anyway, except I never put curtains up on that window when I re-did my bathroom last year.
Well, I do not know. My Mother always said it was dangerous, so I believed her. Silly me. I've done it myself and came to no harm.....just don't drop the soap. edit: I still don't think candles in the shower are the best idea, but hey, go ahead.
I could see it potentially becoming disorienting if it's in the pitch black. At that point, just toss on some body spray or cologne and call it a day lol