To those of you who have already received your Plug in Prius with the advanced package: What do you think of the advanced package? Is it worth the extra cost (Why or why not)? Thanks so much for your feedback
Well, I can't really compare to the basic. But we like it a lot. The Nav system is great, the heated seats and leather like seats are very nice as well....I don't personally think the Satellite and Entune stuff is that useful, but maybe it is just me.
Wife wanted some of the features in Adv. package and since it's her car mostly. Wife Happy = Me Happy. So that's worth it. I think it's been discussed here many times and from a logical/$/value point of view, and it's not worth it. Fortunately for Car Mfr's, we don't always do the logical thing.
If you know what you are getting along with the cost, and you chose to get it, then by definition it is worth it to you. "Worth it" is entirely subjective. Are they making an obscene profit margin on the Advanced package? Of course they are. But in our (nominally) capitalistic economy, a product's value is based on what the consumer will pay for it, not the cost to produce it. The value of a Picasso is not based on the cost of the canvas and the paint.
I like bells and whistles, and my wife wanted the upgraded model. Aside from that, it is nice to have the Homelink system (which can be added after) and the power seats. The Enture also has some nice data management features. If you are at a location charging your car on a warm day, you can send a command through your smartphone to pre-cool the car while it is plugged in. Pretty cool - no pun intended. You can also check your charge status remotely. There is probably more that I have not figured out yet.
Thank you for your input Mine hasn't arrived yet, and was recently wondering if I will regret ordering the advanced model . . . But I have to admit, that I do like all the bells and whistles and the most up to date advanced technology, so I am hoping I will like the extras on the advanced model
I went back and forth on which model to buy. The only thing on the basic that I really didn't like were the seats, but getting those done in leather will solve that issue Now if I can stay patient enough till mine gets here. Ken