One minute they are interviewing the grumpy people at the pump .... 5 minutes later, there will be a commercial about some luxury car that gets 31 MPG highway with best in class power.
People paying any attention will already have seen prices on gas going up over the years and acted accordingly. Many have an incredibly short memory, however, and so recently bought vehicles that guzzle gas. These will be worth increasingly little as gas goes up. Also, buying a fuel efficient vehicle will be more expensive. If you want an SUV buy it when gas is expensive. If you want a hybrid, buy it when it troughs. Gas impacts prices of these things a good bit! I've had my Prius for two years now. I do not evangelize it much at all (not pushy, nobody wants that), but if people ask I do tout its benefits quite happily. To date only one other person I know has bought one. I do have a co-worker who bought late model truck last year and has recently started complaining about gas prices. These are the beds we make and we sleep in them.
You have hit the center of the nail's head. Even if they don't "believe" in climate change, they do believe it's someone elses fault when it costs 100.00 to fill the Hummer. They don't think ahead, they think of the past as the "good ole' days". In the meantime our children and grandchildren will pay the price for their ignorance!
I for one don't believe in global warming. With that said, I do believe that gas prices are on the rise. $5.00 per gallon is coming in the near future. I still drive my V8 Titan p/u (12MPG) when I need to haul the dirt bikes, ATV's and RV, but I leave the daily driving to my Prius V. The Prius almost pays for itself in gas savings vs. my Titan alone.
Yeah, global warming debate aside, it doesn't hurt anything to use gasoline sparingly in our daily lives.
Whenever I hear anyone use the noxious phrase "gas guzzler", I know they are officially driving a Toyota Pious, not a Prius. You would think those that drove a car so low to the ground would not have such a commanding view over those around them....
I disagree. I'd class a gas guzzler as a vehicle that uses way more fuel than it needs to for the required purpose. A workman using an inefficient vehicle required for their job isn't as bad as a city commuter driving a 9 seat SUV monstrosity to work and back. A non gas guzzler would be any fuel efficient commuter vehicle and doesn't have to include hybrids. So no, it isn't the Prius brigade being pious. It's saying don't complain about fuel costs if you drive an unsuitable vehicle for your highway commute into the city.
Beyond all the rhetoric, the future of automobiles is clearly headed electric. I look forward to the day when my kids tell me our "v" is a relic and that we need to get a hydrogen or solar or other plug-in based electric vehicle that gets 500 miles to the dollar... Think about what we could do with our lives without major bills for energy once we harness the sources that surround us every day... Think about how silly we were to buy big SUVs and big V-8 vehicles to show how important we were in the whole scheme of things... Geez, I'm feeling so philosophic, I think I'll call it a night!
I've heard the term "gas guzzler" from non-Prius owners and well before I ever had any interest in one. Agree. Unfortunately, given that I see so many monstrosity class (full-sized) SUVs being driven solo and/or minimal cargo and passengers around me, I highly doubt they're aware of the consequences that stretch beyond their pocketbook.
THINKING BEHIND.... Yes. Prius Great. Efficiency Great. Gas Finite. And yet? Sometimes I look at Craigslist, and have found myself daydreaming about buying the $3000 1996 Toyota Landcruiser...huge...fully loaded, leather, could fit an entire village in the back..... Probably burns more gas backing out of a driveway than my Honda Fit does in an entire week... So I fight back the urge....but it exists....
That's pretty funny. Especially considering that the term "gas guzzler" has existed for decades before the Prius was around. It was used in the movie "Rainman" (1988) and everybody knew what it meant then (Tom Cruise fumes about the taxes he had to pay on his luxury imports he was selling - imagine that, the government dictating what we should buy, during the Reagan years no less!). It's just common vernacular, pretty much everybody uses the term except perhaps some sensitive SUV owners.
Gas-guzzler - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Originated back in 1978, during Carter's presidency and the time when people were worried about things in the Middle East, especially due to oil exports being problematic at the time.
I share your sentiments. For my daily driver I just took delivery of a Prius Plug-in. Prior to this, I owned a 2005 Prius for several years. However, for fun I also own a 2011 Mustang GT. It has 412 hp, a manual transmission and requires Premium grade fuel. In just under two years it has about 6,000 miles on the odometer. These are very different cars for different purposes. They are both very good and quite appropriate for their intended purposes.