I'm looking at a 2005 Prius with 99k miles Says it comes with the following: Tinted Windows Winter and summer tires 6 disc CD with JBL premium Sound Temp Controls on Steering Wheel Auto Dimming Mirror Nav Homelink What option group is this? He didn't mention anything about bluetooth or HID, but I can't find a group that contains Nav and JBL without Bluetooth/HID His asking price is $11,500 According to KBB, the private party value is around 10k depending on if it has bluetooth/HID and condition. I'd hate to buy high, but I really want to get into something in the next 6 months.
Thanks... I meant, I don't really want to pay 20-30% higher than I could have 3 months ago or in the future if gas prices drop back down around the 3.30 range. 10% premium I can deal with as I'll be saving gas money right off the bat. Thanks in advance for any information as to what this car may have been worth a few months ago.
Same here, I have that same trim level. And man that seems WAY too high a price. But then, I just checked KBB, and it appears to be the number for a car in "excellent" condition for private sale. On the plus side that model should also have side and rear airbags.
i just paid 11,000 for a 05 with 55,000 miles. The low milage along was worth it IMO. Here , anything over 100K is way under 10kUSD, we have a couple for sale for 6900USD for 120K on the clock.
high prices must be a west coast thing, 6 monhs ago I paid 10,000 for an 04 with 41K miles on it, fully loaded with nav and HIDs ( I think its pkg9), so now I've got 2 prius, I may sell one this summer if prices skyrocket. So treat the Prius like a convertible, try to sell one in spring or summer, and try to buy one in the fall or winter. the same with my Omega Seamaster, after 7 years I'm bored with it, I paid $750 for it which was the saturated value that I could sell it for today, but if I wait for the next James Bond film to come out next Sept the value jumps to between $900 and $1000, so that's when I'll sell it, hopefully the demand for Omega's will be high which may lower the price of other brands like Tag Heuer
I just paid 11K for my '06 with 93K on it. Sounds like the same package you are looking at except I got one with leather seats. Got it at a dealership, the tires are brand new, new plugs, new cabin and air filters, and fresh oil change with mine.
lol why ask this question? You're looking to buy a Prius now BECAUSE gas prices are high and thus you are part of the problem. What you should have done is buy a Prius 12 months ago and bought lower. The following old Chinese proverb might apply though "The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago. The second best is now"
What gas scare? Gas prices drift upwards continuously and have for years. Every once in a while they drop, but the trend is upwards. Anyone who just notices is living under a rock!
The KBB price is what you should be paying. Everything for sale right now is getting a gas price premium. I was thinking about buying something for that premium, but I did a bit of research and figured that paying an extra $1-$3k above KBB wasn't worth waiting for a few months for gas prices to drop and paying an extra few hundred bucks in gas. Just to give you an idea about how much of this is refinery related, and how much is oil price related... Back in late 2008, when oil was $150+/bbl, gas in CA was ~$4.50/gallon. It's currently less than $110/bbl, but gas is ~$4.30/gallon, due to all the refinery issues. My WAG is that gas will drop to ~$3.60/gallon, or less because high prices are hurting demand, once all the refinery issues are sorted out by April/May. Of course oil could go up to ~$140/bbl in the meanwhile, but I doubt it will because high gas prices in the US (except for padd 3) seem to be hurting demand, which will only weaken oil prices.
The multiyear price charts I see do not show continuous upwards movement. While the long term upward trend is indisputable, short term behavior shows plenty of volatility. The declines are easily frequent and large enough to encourage the nonbelievers to cling to hope for yet another drop.
uh, how about offering him what you think you would like to pay. Give him the justification... but before you offer, check the car out 1st..
The biggest thing is to be persistent. I almost bought a Prius from a forum member at KBB before he sold it to a co-worker, and I just missed out on one about forty miles away at KBB, so they're out there. It'll probably be easier in a few months, but it's not impossible now.
I went for it. Timing was right and I didn't mind paying a little more. In it for the long haul. Car had Bluetooth, extra air bags, and additional tires which helped offset the cost. Thanks everyone