I have a '12 Prius III and want to buy some Husky winter mats. The '12 are not listed yet. Would the mats for a '11 work, are they the same shape?
They are the same size, but the location of the clips have changed. On the 12's the clips are now permantely fixed to the floor whereas the 11's, the clips are removable. So on the 12's, if you use a 11 floor mat, the holes for the clip will not line up so the mat will sit on top of the clip. I learned this from buying the weather tech digital fit floor mats that were labeled or 2011 for my 2012. They fit perfectly, but since the holes didn't line up with the permanently mounted floor clips, it sits on top of it. Btw, the only one that is affected is the drivers side. The passenger side and rear mats fit perfectly.
Weather Tech told me they were still in the process of digitizing the location of the locking floor clips for 2012 models. You confirmed what Weather Tech told me about the change in position of the locking floor clips between the '11 and '12 models. I was going to buy the Husky mats because they do not have the holes for the floor clips. Plus I wanted mats ASAP. The permanent floor clips on my '12 might be a problem for the Husky mats now that you confirmed the clips are not removable. I guess I will have to wait for either Weather Tech or Husky to come out with correct fit mats for the 2012 models. Thanks!
If the hooks are non-removable, I guess Husky could make a mat with little bumps in the right area to accommodate the hooks and maintain water tightness... here's hoping.
The '12 liners are on the website now. I believe they did just put bumps in the right spots to accommodate the hooks.
Zanrok, have you had any problems w/ the husky liners sliding forward like some people have discussed?
Wondering about this also? I am waiting for Weather Tech to produce their 2012 mats for the clips. I also think they look a little neater. I am getting tired of waiting for Weather Tech to make products. I might buy the Husky if they do not have the '12 mats soon.
I ordered 2012 weathertech mats from juiced hybrid and had problems with the driver side mat because of the new hooks in 2012 MY and returned them. Since then juicedhybrid removed the 2012 weathertech listing, now they only have husky mats for 2012 Prius. I like weathertech better but I am getting sick of waiting.
I have the Huskys in my 2012 too. They sit on top of the clips/locks, but its not really visibly noticeable (I never really look at my floormats) and the teeth on the underside are pretty "grippy". I havent had issues with it moving forward. Someone in another thread suggested that the grippy teeth may be different in later versions sold? Also, I think it really depends on how you're getting out of the car. I sit kind of far back, so I have room to get out of the car without needing to "push off" on the mats. If they have redesigned the mats for 2012 to accommodate the new clips/locks, then get those (I thought I read that here somewhere). But the 2010-2011 ones I have are fine for me. I also think the locks can be removed, but I havent tried. I think using a panel popper or something should do it. Here's a picture: I just checked the Huskyliner.com website and the 2012 Prius has a different part number, #98921. The 2011 Prius is listed as 98561. So since they have the 2012, just get those and you dont need to worry about the clips/locks.
I called Weathertech about this a day or two ago and they said that the Prius 2012 floor liners will be ready in 4-6 weeks.
I actually like the look of the factory all-weather mats better than either of these brands. Anyone know of problems with those? Otherwise ill wait on weathertech because I'm anal and want a perfect fit for the money.
Just called and got the standard thanks for your interest. Now do we sit here quietly and wait or keep begging. Jennifer
The factory mats are no good. I actually bought the 2012 factory Toyota all-weather mats and sold them for a $10 loss after seeing what they looked like. I was going to order the Husky mats but decided to wait for the Weather Tech because they look a little cleaner.
I would agree that for real weather (heavy rain, snow, mud, etc.) like you would have in the midwest, the factory mats are no good. The driver's one wouldn't contain the wetness from getting up by the pedals. For those of us weather lightweights, I think the factory are fine... particularly at the good price you can get here.