I received a call from Longo Toyota (EL Monte, California); my super white 2006 pkg.#3 is due the first or second week of January! I originally ordered a 2005, but after reading this forum for two or three weeks, I changed the order to a 2006. The original order was placed 10/02/05. I was #108 on Longo's list. The price quoted to me is 23,966. How does that sound to you folks? 23,700 is the price given for a package 3 at toyota.com. I am not unhappy with the price, just real curious. The Longo Toyota representatives have been easy to work with so far.
you are lucky to be getting it. I am jealous I ordered my Prius in mid-sept and changed my order to an '06 sometime in November. My dealer told me that i was #1 on the waiting list for the 06 delivery. But still have not heard anything from him, and its almost middle of the month already. I have ordered a Black Prius pkg #2 or #3, whichever is available for my region (West Lebanon, New Hampshire) Lets see when i get lucky. Waiting.....Waiting.....Waiting.....Waiting.....Waiting.....Waiting.....Waiting.....Waiting.....Waiting.....Waiting.....Impatiently
call your dealer, I called mine, he had moved on and the deal was off. If I wanted the car I could pay the extra 4000
You are in the same region as I am here in Vermont -- the '06s will be arriving at the dealers before the end of the year. I have already passed on first three which are due in Berlin, VT, since I am waiting for the tax credit. There will be no #2 packages for our region. #3, #5, #7 (and possibly #8 if we can believe toyota.com.) Won't be long now
Thanks Jack! I didn't realize until I read your response that I had inadvertently rounded the Toyota.com price down! Floor mats, huh, that's fine with me. I appreciate your response! You are one of the many posters that helped me with my decision to buy a prius. Many thanks to you, and to all on this sight!