There's a service coming out in the near future that will allow you to do things like read the latest news and weather, shop, do banking, and much more. Personally, I'm dubious, but we'll see.
Yeah, right! Like what, there will be a full color screen and enough resolution for easily readable fonts? :nono: Get real. How can it get any better than this: Next they'll be sayin' that all that can be done on some future version of my son's expensive toy, the[ame][/ame]: Please tell me what the author is smoking, because whatever it is, I want some of it... No, make that lots of it. Simply another dime-a-dozen futurist's foolishness… It's all pie in the sky. And while we're on the subject, tell me, where is the flying car that they've been promising... for what, 30+ years? Talk about nonsense, have you heard about the "automobile of the future" concept by Briggs & Stratton? They say it uses both gasoline and electric motors for better gas mileage. They call it a hy-bird. 1980 B&S concept car Just plain BS is more like it. All of it, pure poppycock, horsefeathers. What a joke. If you believe any of it, I have a bridge I'd like to sell you.
I'll see your six, and raise you two: The OctoAuto Is Eight Wheels Done Right EIGHT-WHEELED AUTO DEFIES SAND Japanese Electric Car has 8 Wheels, Big Ambitions
And let us not forget the Mammoth Car from the Speed Racer cartoon series. Not to mention the '64 Ford turbine truck that might have been its inspiration.
Re: 5 wheels... There's the Mile High Club for airplanes; I suppose there must also be a Sixty Nine MPH Club for Motorhomes - which brings up an important question: in states that have helmet laws, would joining the club in this vehicle require wearing helmets? Of course one has to consider that the way some people comport and cavort between the headboard and the footposts, wearing a helmet might be a good idea even without a vehicle adding to the entertainment. Anyway, does the Highway Patrol training manual have a chapter that correlates specific "rollicking and rolling" frequencies observed on the highway with particular interior activities?
I think that was about the time I had my Kaypro 2X (64K of RAM). What passed for graphics was worthless, but the text quality was superb. It was a full-on computer and I wrote programs for it first in Basic, and then in C. But it was intended primarily as a word-processing machine, which was my main use for it. It came with Wordstar. And it was "luggable." You could carry it around, but it needed an outlet to plug it in to. The device in the article would not have worked for me because living where I did it was a toll call to any of the dial-up services. The thing about the future is that nothing they predict ever happens, and nothing that actually happens was ever predicted. "Fututologists" are idiots who think they can predict what the future will bring, but they are batting zero.
^^^ We had a Kaypro 10 back in the day for the auction business on-site sales... it was in CPM though... portable and fast enough for our use... and we could give an accounting of the sale before the last customer had paid and left with their stuff...
Seriously, every single thing in that clip that they predicted we use every day. Just not exactly in the way they predicted. Actually, before The Internet became mainstream, that's exactly how it was, with little technofiefdoms everywhere (AOL, Compuserve, Prodigy, etc. etc.), not to mention countless BBSs. [ame=""]Ted Nelson[/ame], the guy who coined the term "Hypertext" (the "HT" part of "HTTP"), hates the Web because it didn't come out exactly like he predicted. He's been working on something called "Project Xanadu" which is supposed to be the Ultimate Hypertext (or something like that), since 1960 (Eisenhower was President at the time!) and it still hasn't Officially Been Released (although they DO have a very half-assed beta version out. For Windows only). His biggest complaint? The Web has "One Way Links". In other words, every Tom, Dick, and Harry can link to the White House; therefore, the White House should link back to every Tom, Dick, and Harry's homepage in Ted's world. Sorry, Ted, but the current version is actually better than yours. And it just celebrated its 20th anniversary. So my point - they often get the "what" correct; they just never get the "how" correct.
If you push something hard enough, it will fall over...Thuds First Law!......what a great album, I just took 39 minutes and listened to it, again..., I still love it!! Well played! Go ahead, squeeze the wheeze!
CP/M was brilliant! It was limited by having to operate in a 64K environment, but it was a great OS. If Digital Research had gotten the contract to write the OS for the IBM PC, the entire world of computing would be more civilized today. Digital Research never would have burdened us with the crapware that is Windows and Microsoft.
I will say the Kaypro NEVER crashed... and never froze up... It wasn't as fast as the Apple nor the XT...