Hi all. Just picked up my 2012 Prius four this week and really liking it so far. Quick question. The dealer paired my Blackberry before I left. However, in my previous car it automatically paired every time I started my vehicle. With the prius, it doesn't seem to be doing that. I need to go through the nav screens. Is there a setting that will allow that to happen upon starting the engine? Thanks.
I have to make sure BT is off on my phone before powering up the Prius. After power-up, I turn on BT and it syncs everytime.
My BT is always on. I power up the Prius and the BT connects automatically. Once in a while it'll lose connection. I have cycle the BT on the phone before it connects. I've never have this problem with my old Tilt2.
Thanks all. I always have my phone and bluetooth on when I start up the car, but it doesn't seem to happen automatically. If I hit the "phone" button on the nav, it seems to then connect...weird
Test it by asking someone to call you, without hitting the "phone" button on the nav. It should work. Mine automatically syncs.
Wonder if it is related to the phone itself? I use a Droid X -- maybe that's why mine is finicky (which is why I turn on BT after the car is on.)
go the the options screen on the bluetooth phone page and select 'automatically connect' you are supposed to leave your phone's bluetooth on all the time and the conncetion should be automatic each time you power on the car.
My phone (Android) doesn't have an"automatically connect" option. This is why I do what I do (start the car, then turn on BT). The phone connects everytime when I do that.