Hello, everyone. Yesterday my wife accidentally hit the power button while she was driving our 2011 Prius II. This happened because she wanted to use the bluetooth phone connection, and the bluetooth button (BLU Logic) is located just below the power button. Nothing bad happened, but I do remember reading in the owner's manual that you should never (repeat, NEVER) touch the power button while the engine is running. (Confession: I also did this accidentally when the car was only a few days old, and nothing bad happened.) Luckily, the power button was pressed only for a very short time. Has anyone else experienced this or had any adverse effects? I'd appreciate any thoughts about this. I need to let my wife know that she did no permanent damage. She was freaked about it. Thanks. GreenTree11
No damage was done. As for hitting the power button with the engine running, where did you read this? When the engine is first warming up it is a good idea to not stop the engine and let it complete its' warmup cycle. But you are not going to damage anything if you do. If you are at a standstill and hit the power button all you do is turn off the car. If you are moving you have to hold the power button down for about 3 seconds before turning off the car. The 3 second delay is there for the very reason that your wife mistakenly hit the button. Toyota is not going to let you damage the car this way.
I've shut the car off with the engine running many times over the years and haven't noticed any ill effects. Still, I don't make it a habit and typically shut the car off while the engine is already off. I agree with jdcollins5's statement that Toyota wouldn't make that possible if it were going to damage the car.
Thanks, jdcollins5, for putting my mind at ease. Can't remember where I read this. I thought it was in the owner's manual, but I can't find it now. Maybe someone told me, or maybe I dreamed it! ______________
I just got through the procedure for disabling the reverse beep and noticed that through all of the on / off cycles that the engine would come on and shut off after only a few seconds. And that is done "automatically". So I think forcing the engine off via the start button can't place any more wear and tear on the engine than what the car would normally do anyways (in a repeated start / off situation).
Ok Yea you a=have to hold it down for more than 5 seconds to shut the car off while driving. Even if you did this it would not hurd the car. You will loose power brakes/steering though, but you will still be able to stop and turn it will just be harder. Do you remember when that police officer and his familey died in the lexus crash. He didn't know you had to hold the power button down untill the car shut off.
One thing to remember (look for thread about hitting P while stopping) - if you do it with low speed (1-2 mph) the car will turn off immediately and try to engage gearbox lock - which may be harmful if not done at full stop.
Are you sure about losing the power brakes? My brake booster fires up the moment the driver door opens, without turning on the ignition, without the key fob anywhere near the car.