When I have SKS in my pocket on the driver side, can the passenger side door be opened? I am not worried about car jacking. If this feature can be enabled, my wife does not have to wait for me to open the driver side door. Do I need to change any settings?
Well, no, she can't open the door because you are simply standing by the driver's door with your FOB (only the holder of the FOB can unlock a door), but you can set the car to open all doors when you open yours.
I know it's heresy to say this, but if you want to unlock the door for your wife before you arrive at your door, you can always take the fob out of your pocket and press the unlock button on the fob. Otherwise, as Wayne says, you can set it to unlock all doors when you open the driver's-side door. Instructions are in the manual. I don't remember the exact procedure offhand.
Here's the procedure: CHANGING THE DOORS TO BE UNLOCKED Each time you push the lock button together with the panic button on the smart key for about 5 seconds with the hybrid system off, the setting for door unlocking will change as follows: 1. Driver’s door unlocking mode: If you perform smart unlocking operation on the driver’s door, it will unlock. Performing unlocking operation on the front passenger’s door or back door will unlock all the doors. When the system switches to this mode, one beep sounds inside the vehicle and two beeps sound three times. 2. All doors unlocking mode: Performing smart unlocking operation on either front door or back door will unlock all the doors. When the system switches to this mode, one beep sounds inside the vehicle and two beeps sound twice. 3. Single door unlocking mode: The driver’s door or back door on which you perform smart unlocking operation will unlock. However, performing unlocking operation on the front passenger’s door will unlock all the doors. When the system switches to this mode, one beep sounds inside the vehicle and two beeps sound once.
Call me a hopless romantic but if you open your wife's door for her with the FOB in your pocket, your door opens too & you make mucho brownie points.
OK, so how does the Prius know the difference between someone standing by the driver's door and opening it, and someone standing by the driver's door but someone else opening the passenger door? Can the Prius can detect the location of the FOB? fd
There are three (actually four, once I think about it) distinct RF zones around the car. They are: 1. Drivers side 2. Passenger side 3. Trunk side 4. Cabin The touch sensors only work if a fob is in the corresponding zone.
I agree completely. Once you have your Prius you will note that it complains if you take the fob out of the cabin while in Ready mode, or if you close any of the zone doors without the fob in the cabin.
And the trunk side oscillator is only activated when the button on the inside of the handle is depressed. The Cabin oscillator is off until one of the doors is opened...it can, also, deactivate itself after a period of time if you sit in the car for a while without using it.
All I can say is WOW! I continue to be impressed with the wizardy in the Prius. Thanks for the info. fd
No. You need to press the black button on the door handle, or use your FOB. Since I never touch my FOB for anything, I always press the button before I walk away.
I disagree. Naturally, it does not, indeed, lock itself. But the custimzable features document mentions this about a "Passive Mode"... Security* PASSIVE MODE (Passive mode (Security system)) PASSIVE MODE is the function to set the theft deterrent system 30 seconds later after having the driver’s door closed from opening condition by removing the key from the ignition key cylinder. OFF ON/OFF It seems to be normally OFF, but how can it be turned ON? With a special multitester? Anyone knows where is this addressed elsewhere? Thank you.
search on Passive mode dance and see what comes up DanMan32 beat this to death last year. Dealer can do it or there is a dance to do it. I just don't remember the details but he reverted back as it was a PIA.
The problem with Passive Alarm Mode, Snowflake, is that it's just the alarm, the doors don't lock. After a (settable) time, the alarm comes on. Then it's real easy to set off the alarm by opening a door, since they are unlocked. It's an easy habit to learn to prsss the black button... particularly since unlocking/disabling the alarm only involves grabbing the handle and opening the door. And the doors only relock, ABC12, if you unlock but don't open a door.