OK, after several months I've found the first thing I seriously DISLIKE about my Brides' new Prius v. I finally got around to entering (or trying to enter) phone contacts in her car. We don't have a bazillion people we regularly want or need to speak to while in the car, nor do we feel the need to purchase $500+ iThingies for normal phone calls. In my 2008 Gen II, it took all of 15 minutes to manually enter the names and numbers of family and (close) friends into the Bluetooth phone book. There apparently is no such option in the new car (I say this after an hour or so of head scratching over the Owner's Manual and control panel, and a search of these forums and Google). Why? Why in the name of God would such a simple function be simply deleted from the software? Sure, she can receive calls (which she says is all she really wants) but why should she have to pull off the road to dial on her handset if she decides she DOES want to place a call from her brand new $28,000 technobile? Has anyone found a viable workaround? I know some women would be thrilled if Hubby ran out and bought them a new iThingie just so he could do this for her, but my Bride would most decidedly NOT be, nor would I.
I just picked up my Prius v 5 today. First Prius for me. Only had 1 mile on it, fresh off the boat. When my salesman got in with me he grabbed my smart phone, turned on the bluetooth then hit the setup menu and paired it with the car and in less than a minute the car had my whole phone book of at least 40 numbers stored. So any time I get in this car with my phones bluetooth on it sees it and I'm good to go.
There is no such option in the new car to manually enter phone contacts because there is no need to do so. Your contact list/phonebook data is transferred from a registered/paired cell phone. If you edit your contact info on your cell phone, the new edited data will show up on the screen of the Prius. If you manually enter phone contacts on your cell phone, the new info will show on your car display also.
Unfortunately, that is not the case with el cheapo phones. I hate the idea of buying a newer, more complex phone than she wants, just to input a few phone numbers!
As long as the phone has bluetooth, it should have the ability to transfer phonebooks. Unless you are using a jitterbug or something.
We use el cheapos. Hers is a Motorola WX295, mine is a Nokia Somethingorother -- can't find a model number anywhere on it. Interestingly though, in searching for the model number I think I found how it transfers! Now I can just add her numbers to it, transfer all, and drag the ones she uses to the Speed Dial list, right? Problem solved (I think, I hope).....
OK, contacts transferred from MY phone to the car -- but they don't show when HER phone is he one connected. Is there a way to get the car to share ALL contacts, or do I just have to go get her a Nokia? I am at this point quite completely convinced that her Motorola WX-295 cannot export contacts.
I would contact your cell phone provider and ask them before you spend money. Most of he major providers have a support desk. W Edited to add: have you tried plugging it into the USB port yet to see if it can transfer that way? It appears to support mini-USB. I looked at the Motorola site and this would be my next attempt.
To add an additional thought check where the contacts are stored. Looking at the very basic manual it appears they can be on the sim card or the phone. I'm not sure the car can access the sim card. Here is the manual: http://www.motorola.com/staticfiles...ocuments/WX265-WX295_UK-EN_68000202825_v1.pdf Also note it appears to support Bluetooth 2.0 which the display radio seems to have issues with for data. Everything else (calls and music) work ok.
My apologies up front if I have the wrong end of the stick I'm totally new to the Pirus, I juts got my 2012 Pirus V 5 yesterday. If you press the phone button you have 3 tabs, the first tab is stored contacts, the first option in the list is add new contact. I pressed that and added the main numbers I wanted family and emergency numbers. Also if you put a usb stick in the usb port to save the navigation and contacts to the stick. These are industry standard vcard format, you can the export from your computer contacts as vcards on to the USB stick. Then back in the car restore from usb and all the new contacts will be in the stored list.
They deleted the ability to manually add contacts to the 2012's. That was dumb. I have over 1000 contacts on my iphone from business. I don't want all of them on the car. WHY THE HELL CAN'T I SIMPLY ADD ONE CONTACT? It was so simple before and now it is impossible to get the contacts I want on the car. What a mistake!!!
Jdcowboy, I was able to add a number manually. I've also saved a few of my frequent contacts off in the stored area to avoid he hundred plus in my contacts. W