Not to be overly anal, but ..... The time posts on our messages are six minutes fast for me. Is this the same for everyone. I am on a Mac and the computer clock is tied into the atomic clock thru an Apple site, so I think it is pretty accurate. I'm not even sure there is anyway to adjust the priuschat clock anyway. Not that this is a big deal, but it is Saturday night, I don't have my Prius yet, and I'm bored. :lol:
Hummmm --- maybe Vermont reallly IS behind the times. I thought that was just urban legend. Wonder if it is some setting that I have wrong on Priuschat? Gonna check it out right now. Thanks Maggieddd
Glad someone else mentioned it... thought I was crazy (w/r/t the clock specifically ). Posting now at 7:03PM ET. Let's see what the post says.
I am in South Dakota, and the time shown must be eastern. I don't think it changed for the end of daylight savings time. It is a hour and 6 mins off. For example it is about 6:15pm here as I write this.
I vaguely remember setting the time zone for my location when I signed up as a member here? Now I can't find anyway to change or adjust it, so I must have been dreaming or something.
I was born and raised right on the river halfway between L-ville and Evansville in that part of Indiana that never changes the clocks for DST. My oldest brother would drive in to be with the family on occasions and sometimes complained about the time change on the drive home. "Do you have any idea what time it is in Louisville?" he would wax. One time I stopped his belly-aching when I replied, "1968." It's been my staple Kentucky joke ever since.
That hour is because you didn't go to My Controls and uncheck the box that says Daylight Savings Time
time check... probable edit later ok clocks wrong... but time is relative. if its the same for all. what diff it make? we change it to suit our whims all the time anyway. sounds as if the founder has decided to exercise this right in a world wide forum, what would be right anyway?? arizona?? ohio?? or maybe its of them over there has half hour increments...