Hi I'm from Massachusetts, and was wondering if any one else heard about delivery dates or anything? I called dealer, they said they would call me back I attaching my info build from Toyota. I feel left in the dark.
Mine looks exactly the same. Who knows.... I really am ambiviliant either way, as I'll most likely not take the PiP anyway.
Hi Last email I received was in January about planting a seed etc... No shipping or any other messages like others My page has not been updated as you you can see by my attachment.
My page still isn't updated but I got an email saying my car was built Feb 1st and then a second email saying it was on the high seas. First ship in will be the Pyxis Leader.
I got a build date of February 22. Waiting on my ship email although I check the web site regularly. So far they seem to update only on Friday nights after 8:00PM, at least for me.
Have you checked your email spam folder? Somebody last night said they found the Toyota emails in theirs.
Mine was built on 1/31 and is on the Pyxis Leader, from what I can tell. It should be in Newark by 3/7. My dealer (Jon Simonin at West Herr in Buffalo) wrote tonight and said Toyota is predicting 3/14 - 3/20 arrival in western New York. I got a cheap flight from Wisconsin to Buffalo to go pick it up in early April. It will kill me to wait for the airplane to come and get me.
Mike, Your Order Status/History has a Mfg month confirmed Date, where mine just has a checkmark, and your ...was built is blank, where mine is 2/3/2012. My in transit... and Arrived... are also blank. Keeping up with everyone's Order Status/History pages apparently was too much for them.
My web page order information indicates = manufactured date was Feb 21 Since then, never another update. Seems that the west coasters have better information and updates than we have
Morning, To my surprise, I received an update this morning on the website. I have not received an email. I am also a Network Engineer, and manage my own spam filter appliance, and it is empty. Anyone else have similar build dates? Wondering how long it takes to get on a ship and to track. Thanks to all !!! Mike
My "plug in was built" date 2/22, notified of build 2/24. My "in transit to port" date 2/27, notified of shipping on 3/2 Assume it is on the New Century 1 that left port on 2/28 with ETA at the Panama Canal of 3/19. Then assume to Jacksonville then Newark.
I ordered mine last Saturday @ the dealer. All I did was tell them the model and color combo and gave them a deposit. They told me that a car that meets that description is listed as SOLD in the Toyota system and when it is delivered to the states will be directed to my dealership and not part of an allocation. They are searching daily for a car and I have asked them if it is part of the pre-order process as the only way to order one is via the dealership. They are checking now. Worse case the people with order numbers will get them March/Early April and three weeks later the allocations start arriving. Early May. ;-(
Mike, mine changed to the same build date: order status/history Online order submitted11/17/2011 Online dealer agreement Online order confirmed Manufacturing month confirmed Your Plug-in was built2/28/2012 In transit to port Arrived at US port if someone is looking for a light blue Advanced package, let me know, I'll send you to my dealer, as I am likely to orphan this, just not enough EV range for the $20K it will cost me to upgrade.